Some parts of this page may be machine-translated.


Significantly reduce the workload of post-editing - Introduction of MTrans Post-Edit Booster

Significantly reduce the workload of post-editing - Introduction of MTrans Post-Edit Booster

Many of you may already have implemented automatic translation, but do you feel dissatisfied with its quality?

Translations obtained from recent automatic translation technology have greatly improved in accuracy compared to previous ones. In some cases, they are even considered equivalent to human translations.

Is it really possible to achieve such high accuracy with automatic translation, without having to make any modifications to the translated text?


  1. Table of Contents:
  2. 1. No need to correct for high-precision automatic translation?
  3. 2. "Symbol editing work" that affects the brush-up work of translated text
  4. 3. That's where Human Science comes in to solve it!


1. No need to correct for high-precision automatic translation?

Let's give an example sentence.

Visit for more information.

(Note: The URL is a sample. The page will not be displayed even if accessed.)

When translated, it becomes the following English sentence:

For more information, please refer to

This resulted in.


At first glance, there seems to be no problem with the translation. However, upon closer inspection, the colon is in full-width.

Normally, simply clicking on the URL should display the linked page, but due to some symbols being in full-width, the link does not function at all. This can significantly damage the user experience and in some cases, may lead to a decrease in brand image.


2. "Symbol editing work" that affects the brush-up work of translated text

There is a task of reviewing and correcting translated text in the general translation flow. The purpose is to "brush up the translation content and finish it in a natural translation text."

Even with the latest automatic translation boasting high accuracy, there are still cases where translation text needs to be polished. Therefore, it is necessary to clean up the translation text through post-edit work.

However, in this post-editing process, there are other important points to note. That is the "symbol editing process".


As mentioned in the first example, in post-editing and translation review work, handling symbols is just as important as correcting the translation itself. If not handled correctly, it can cause issues such as the link mentioned in the example not functioning properly. There are many checkpoints related to symbols, such as correcting full-width colons to half-width or removing unnecessary spaces before and after slashes.

However, in automatic translation systems, it is often difficult to specify rules for symbols, and post-editors struggle to correct these symbols.


In a previous survey conducted by Human Science targeting post-editors,

"Why do these errors remain even though correcting symbols seems to be something machines are good at?"

"There are too many symbol corrections, and I cannot spend time brushing up the translated text."

Many responses were received, such as:


3. That's where Human Science comes in to solve it!

To solve the concerns of such post-edit workers, Human Science has developed the MTrans Post-Edit Booster.




MTrans Post-Edit Booster is available as an add-in for SDL Trados Studio.

It's very easy to use. Just install the add-in and set the symbol rules. Then, all you have to do is create a project in the same way as usual with Trados. The translation will be automatically corrected according to the rules for symbols such as "replace full-width colons with half-width" and "delete unnecessary spaces before and after slashes".

Post-edit operators can focus more on polishing the translated text, as any errors related to symbols are automatically corrected when opening the file.


Reducing editing time and efficiently reducing unnecessary corrections will make your work more comfortable. If you are experiencing similar concerns during post-editing, please do not hesitate to contact us!


For more information on MTrans Post-Edit Booster, please see here.

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