External Staff and Translators Wanted

External Staff and Translators Wanted

We are currently recruiting for the following positions and translators.

Translator, QA, Reviewer, and Assistant Recruitment

  • Multilingual translation check for localization (mainly IT)[Urgent]

    • [Job Description]

      This is a translation check task for projects that involve translating documents for various clients, including major manufacturers, into multiple languages (even exceeding 20 languages).
      This task involves checking translations using tools and performing layout checks, among other necessary checks during the project process.
      Specifically, the tasks include:
      - Checking using tools
      - Layout checks after DTP

      • [Language]

        English will be the main language (Asian languages and European languages may also be targeted depending on the situation).
        ※You do not need to understand the content of the language.

        • [Qualifications and Skills]

          ・Experienced in office work (PC)
          ・Open to learning new tools
          ・Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) for data entry
          ・Practical experience in business communication in English (There may be comments from translators in English or instructions written in English after checking)

          • [Welcome Skills]

            - Those who have experience or knowledge of using translation support tools (TRADOS) (those who own or plan to purchase TRADOS)
            - Those who have experience using translation checking tools (QA Distiller)
            - Those who have experience dealing with languages other than Japanese and English

            • [Working Style]


              • 【Location】

                Remote Work

                • [Inquiry, Application]

                  Please attach your resume and curriculum vitae and contact the email address below. Our representative will contact you.
                  Contact Hongo

                • Marketing translation of the world's largest scale SNS company for English-Japanese translators[Urgent]

                  • We are recruiting English to Japanese translators specializing in IT marketing for specific companies.

                    We plan to request a certain amount on a long-term basis.

                    The client is a world's largest scale SNS company.

                    This is a job that allows you to experience the latest IT technologies and improve your own skills.

                    Please feel free to contact us!


                    Translation from English to Japanese.

                    【Unit Price】

                    9 yen~ (according to ability)


                    We are looking for someone who can continuously handle the translation of content for a company that operates the world's largest SNS.

                    - We specialize in business translation and require at least 1-2 years of practical experience.

                    ・We welcome individuals who can create translated texts that are easy to read in an appropriate tone, while accurately capturing the content of the original text and considering readers such as general users, customer companies, and partner companies.

                    ・Translation support tools utilize the company's proprietary state-of-the-art web tools. (A learning environment is also provided.)

                    [Attractive Features of this Project]

                    - The number and volume of documents to be translated continue to increase, despite the current economic situation, as our clients and the industry continue to grow.

                    ・There is a possibility to expand the potential for requesting a certain amount of work on a long-term basis, depending on achievements and schedule.

                    ・You will have the opportunity to quickly experience cutting-edge content and corporate culture, which will be a great opportunity for your own skill improvement.

                    [Target Document]

                    ・Content visible to general users

                    ・Content for specific business users

                    [Recruitment Target Area]

                    Regardless of Japan or overseas

                    【Number of vacancies】

                    Certain number of people

                    【Application Deadline】

                    Ends when a certain number of people is reached

                    [Selection Method]

                    ・Please attach your resume/CV when applying.

                    ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the trial for those who will proceed to the next step.



                    - Candidates with 2 or more years of experience in translation or review

                    ・Our translation track record includes original texts of approximately 200,000 to 300,000 words.

                    ・English proficiency with a target of TOEIC score of 900 points

                    - The ability to accurately decipher original texts across a wide range of fields and understand them contextually

                    - Ability to create easily readable translations with appropriate tone depending on the intended readers and usage scenarios

                    ・Available to work approximately 20-30 hours per week (we can discuss limited availability on specific days or working remotely from overseas)

                    - Freelance work


                    ※Desirable Conditions※

                    - Practical experience in digital marketing

                    - In the future, it should also be possible to handle reviews (no review experience required)

                    [Inquiry, Application]

                    Please attach your resume/CV to the email address below and contact us. We will contact you through the person in charge.


                    Contact: Kurihara

                • English Post-edit (IT field)[Urgent]

                     We are recruiting English-Japanese post-editors.

                     We will perform editing based on checking items such as mistranslation, omission, and fluency for the content translated by machine translation engine.

                     We are looking for someone who can handle the following types of projects specifically.

                  • [Language]

                    Post-edit after machine translation from Japanese to English

                  • 【Content】

                    Computer (hardware/software) and network-related user manuals, UI, applications, etc.

                  • [Working Style]


                    [Application Requirements]

                    ・Must have at least 2 years of experience in Japanese to English translation in the IT field.

                    ・Experience in post-editing after machine translation

                    ・Must have native-level English proficiency or equivalent English language skills.

                    ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 20,000 characters per week.

                    ・Those who have Trados (Studio 2019 or later).

                    【Unit Price】


                    [Selection Method]

                    ・Please attach your resume/CV and apply by email.

                    ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the trial for those who will proceed to the next step.


                    Remote Work

                    [Inquiry, Application]

                    Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


                    Contact person: Philip

                    ※Please be sure to indicate in the body of the email that you have applied after reviewing the recruitment guidelines on our company's website.

              • English Translation (Mechanical Field)[Urgent]

                   We are recruiting English to Japanese translators.

                   We are looking for someone who can handle the following types of projects specifically.

                • [Language]

                  Translation from Japanese to English.

                • 【Content】

                  Instruction manuals for industrial machinery, technical documents for engineers, e-learning content, etc.

                • [Working Style]


                  [Application Requirements]

                  ・Must have 2 years or more of translation experience in the field of mechanical engineering (especially in the FA field).

                  ・Must have native-level English proficiency or equivalent English language skills.

                  ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 20,000 characters per week.

                  ・Those who have Trados (Studio 2021 preferred, but acceptable if it is 2017 or later).

                  【Unit Price】


                  [Selection Method]

                  ・Please attach your resume/CV and apply by email.

                  ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the trial for those who will proceed to the next step.


                  Remote Work

                  [Inquiry, Application]

                  Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


                  Contact person: Philip

                  ※Please be sure to indicate in the body of the email that you have applied after reviewing the recruitment guidelines on our company's website.

            • English Review (Mechanical Field)[Urgent]

                 We are recruiting English-Japanese reviewers.

                 We are looking for someone who can handle the following types of projects specifically.

              • [Language]

                Translation review from Japanese to English.

              • 【Content】

                Instruction manuals for industrial machinery, technical documents for engineers, e-learning content, etc.

              • [Working Style]


                [Application Requirements]

                ・Must have 2 years or more of translation experience in the field of mechanical engineering (especially in the FA field).

                ・Must have native-level English proficiency or equivalent English language skills.

                ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 40,000 characters per week.

                ・Those who have Trados (Studio 2021 preferred, but acceptable if it is 2017 or later).

                【Unit Price】


                [Selection Method]

                ・Please attach your resume/CV and apply by email.

                ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the trial for those who will proceed to the next step.


                Remote Work

                [Inquiry, Application]

                Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


                Contact person: Philip

                ※Please be sure to indicate in the body of the email that you have applied after reviewing the recruitment guidelines on our company's website.

          • Japanese-Korean Translation (Mechanical Field) [Urgent]

               Japanese-Korean Translation (Mechanical Field)

               We are looking for someone who can handle the following types of projects specifically.

            • [Language]

              Translation from Japanese to Korean.

            • 【Content】

              Instruction manuals for industrial machinery, technical documents for engineers, e-learning content, etc.

            • [Working Style]


              [Application Requirements]

              ・Must have at least 2 years of experience in Japanese-Korean translation in the field of machinery (especially in the FA field).

              ・Native Korean speaker or equivalent Korean language proficiency.

              ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 20,000 characters per week.

              ・Those who have Trados (Studio 2021 preferred, but acceptable if it is 2017 or later).

              【Unit Price】


              [Selection Method]

              ・Please attach your resume/CV and apply by email.

              ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the trial for those who will proceed to the next step.


              Remote Work

              [Inquiry, Application]

              Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


              Contact person: Philip

              ※Please be sure to indicate in the body of the email that you have applied after reviewing the recruitment guidelines on our company's website.

        • NEW!Japanese-Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) Translation (Mechanical Field)[Urgent]

            We are looking for Japanese to Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) translators.
            Specifically, we are seeking individuals who can handle the following types of projects.

          • [Language]

            Translation from Japanese to Chinese (Simplified/Traditional).
            ※Both Simplified and Traditional characters are acceptable.

          • 【Content】

            Instruction manuals for industrial machinery, technical documents for engineers, e-learning content, etc.

          • [Working Style]


            [Application Requirements]

            ・Must have at least 2 years of experience in Japanese to Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) translation in the field of machinery (especially in the FA field).

            ・Native or equivalent proficiency in Chinese (simplified/traditional characters).

            ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 20,000 characters per week.

            ・Those who have Trados (Studio 2021 preferred, but acceptable if it is 2017 or later).

            【Unit Price】


            [Selection Method]

            ・Please attach your resume/CV and apply by email.

            ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the trial for those who will proceed to the next step.


            Remote Work

            [Inquiry, Application]

            Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


            Contact person: Philip

            ※Please be sure to indicate in the body of the email that you have applied after reviewing the recruitment guidelines on our company's website.

      • English-Japanese Translation Reviewer (IT Field)[Urgent][Full-time/Contract]

        • [Employment Classification]

          Full-time/Contract Employee


          Translation review from English to Japanese.

          【Target Content】

          Online help, manuals, user interfaces, PowerPoint, websites, e-learning, etc.

          【Main Tasks】

          ・Correction of errors in English interpretation and technical errors in translation

          ・Proofreading, editing, and polishing of translated text (according to skill level)

          ・Feedback and training for translators

          ・Quality management tasks for specific clients

          Please check the Mid-career Recruitment page for more details.

      • English-Japanese Translator (IT and Specific Corporations) [Urgent]

           We are looking for English to Japanese translators who can handle product translations for specific IT companies.

        • [Language]

          Translation from English to Japanese.

        • [Target Document]

          - Software user interfaces, help, ReadMe, release notes
          - Hardware help, documentation

        • [Recruitment Target Area]

          Regardless of Japan or overseas

        • 【Number of vacancies】

          Several people

        • 【Application Deadline】



          ※Required Skills※
          ・Native-level Japanese proficiency
          ・Experience in IT translation (over 200,000 words) or IT Technical Crown members
          ・English proficiency equivalent to a TOEIC score of 800
          ・Own a Mac with the latest macOS
          ・Freelancers (side jobs are also acceptable) who can handle approximately 2,000 to 10,000 words per week (we can also discuss limited availability on certain days or overseas work)


          ※Desirable Skills※
          ・Some practical experience in IT
          ・Translation experience in marketing
          ・Translation experience with Apple products
          ・Ownership or experience using Apple products such as Mac/iPhone/iPad/Watch
          ・Ownership of Trados (experience using it is a plus)
          ・Motivation to learn new translation projects and tools
          ・Flexibility to handle urgent or unconventional projects
          ・Ability to handle review tasks
          ・Experience in translating IT-related content from Japanese to English
          ・Experience in software development and ability to understand programming code
          ※We will consider the above conditions comprehensively, rather than strictly adhering to them.


          If the evaluation of the trial is high and it meets more conditions, we will also consider preferential treatment in terms of unit price.
          If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

          [Inquiry, Application]

          ・Please submit your resume/CV to the email address below.
          ・After document screening, we will contact you from here regarding the trial for those who proceed to the next step.


          Contact Person - Katayama

    • Localization (mainly IT) Multilingual Translation Coordinator Assistant

      • [Business Content]

        We will assist in the coordination of translation tasks for various clients, including major manufacturers, to translate their documents into multiple languages (including over 20 languages).

        You will be responsible for managing project progress, quality control tasks (such as checking work), and managing external staff (including giving instructions).

        【Number of vacancies】

        1-2 people

        [Working Style]

        Remote Work

        ※We are only accepting applications from those who have an environment where they can work from home.




        English, Multilingual

        [Employment Type]

        Part-time job

        【Hourly Pay】

        1,600 yen

        [Start Date]

        Same day

        [Employment Period]


        【Working Hours】

        9:30 AM to 6:30 PM (standard working hours: 8 hours and 00 minutes, with a break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM)

        ※There may be overtime work during busy periods. (Overtime pay will be provided)

        ※Please consult with us as it is possible to work shorter hours.

        ※Working from 10:00 to 15:00 is mandatory.


        Tokyo, Shinjuku Ward (Human Science Office)

        ※We assume that you will be working from home for the time being.


        Social insurance coverage

        [Application Guidelines]

        Application Requirements

        ・Associate degree or higher. Not open to students.

        Required Skills

        - Experienced in office work (PC)

        ・Those who have no resistance to acquiring new technologies

        - Candidates with practical experience in business communication in English (frequent occurrence of document creation in English and exchange of English emails)

        ・Candidates who can adapt flexibly to changes in plans

        ・Proficient in character input using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)

        - Those with practical experience in project management

        <Skills that are welcome if you have them>

        - Someone who can work while communicating with various people, both inside and outside the company.

        - Able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously

        - Those with practical experience in proofreading work

        - Those with practical experience in the translation industry or related work

        - Those with experience working at client sites

        [Recruitment Process]

        After document screening, interview examination



        [Application Method]

        Please attach your resume and CV and apply to multi-career@science.co.jp.

        【Recruitment period (deadline for applications, etc.)】

        Recruitment will end as soon as the decision is made

        Notification Method for Hiring Results

        Contact by email

    • English to Japanese Translation (Bio and Clinical Testing)


        We are recruiting translators for the translation of bio and clinical testing, which is in high demand in the field of medical translation.

      • [Language]

        ・Translation from English to Japanese.

        [Application requirements (knowledge, experience, etc.)]

        - Must have at least 2 years of experience in English to Japanese translation in the medical and medical device field (experience in the bio and clinical testing fields is welcome).

        - Experience using translation memory tools (those who own Trados or plan to purchase it, as well as those with no experience, can be supported through training, etc.).

        [Welcome Skills]

        - Candidates with experience working in biotechnology and clinical testing companies, or those with equivalent knowledge.

        [Working Style]



        Remote Work

        【Unit Price】

        8-12 yen (depending on ability)

        [Inquiry, Application]

        Please attach your resume/CV and contact the email address below. Our representative will contact you.


        Contact person: Mr. Tsukamoto

    • Post-editor (Medical field)

      • We are recruiting a post-editor for pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers.

        We welcome those who would like to challenge machine translation post-editing in order to respond to the evolution and spread of machine translation.

        Specifically, we will perform editing based on checking items such as mistranslation, omission, and fluency.

      • [Language]

        English to Japanese / Japanese to English

        [Application requirements (knowledge, experience, etc.)]

        ・Interested in post-editing in the field of Medical (Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices) English-Japanese/Japanese-English

        ・TOEIC score of 900 or higher

        [Welcome Skills]

        - For those who aspire to become translators (You can improve your skills while learning, as we have a wide range of documents)

        - Experience using translation memory tools (owners or prospective buyers of Trados welcome)

        - Candidates with experience in translation work for pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, CROs, etc.


        ・Examples of pharmaceuticals

         CIOMS, PMDA inquiry items, clinical trial implementation plan (protocol), clinical trial drug summary, informed consent document, clinical trial summary report, etc.

        ・Examples of medical equipment

         User manuals, installation manuals, brochures, application notes, etc.

        [Working Style]



        Remote Work

        【Unit Price】

        7~10 yen (depending on the project and skills)

        [Inquiry, Application]

        Please attach your resume/CV and contact the email address below. Our representative will contact you.


        Contact person: Mr. Tsukamoto

      • English-Japanese / Japanese-English Review (Pharmaceutical Field)

        • [Language]

          Translation review from English to Japanese / from Japanese to English.

          [Application requirements (knowledge, experience, etc.)]

          ・2 years or more experience in English to Japanese/Japanese to English translation and review in the field of Medical (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and others), or equivalent skills

          [Welcome Skills]

          - For those who aspire to become translators (You can improve your skills while learning, as we have a wide range of documents)

          - Experience using translation memory tools (those who own or plan to purchase Trados, and those with experience are welcome)

          - Candidates with experience in translation work for pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, CROs, etc.


          ・Examples of pharmaceuticals

           Clinical trial implementation plan (protocol), summary of investigational drug, informed consent document, summary report of clinical trial, medical guidelines published by academic societies, etc.

          ・Examples of medical equipment

           User manuals, installation manuals, brochures, application notes, in-house educational e-learning content, etc.

          [Working Style]



          Remote Work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please attach your resume/CV and contact the email address below. Our representative will contact you.


          Contact person: Mr. Tsukamoto

      • Linguist Reviewer Translation Quality Management (IT Field)

        • We are looking for someone who can handle quality management (review) of English to Japanese translation in the IT field (especially computer software and hardware).


          Translation quality management (review) from English to Japanese / from Japanese to English.

          [Three Features of Human Science's Translation Quality Management (Review)]

          1. Full review aiming for high quality with stable quantity

           We conduct full reviews rather than spot checks on specific areas.

           There is a clear standard of "4000 words per day" for the processing volume.

           Therefore, you can carefully focus on the translation without rushing the work with an unreasonable schedule.


          2. Review that leads to improvement of translation skills

           In reviewing various styles of translation, you may also come across masterpieces.

           By viewing translations from other translators, you can also improve your own translation skills.


          3. Various interactions with customers/products

           At our company, we do not limit the responsibility for reviews to specific products or customers, but rather accept various customer requests.

           By taking on various projects, you will broaden your range of expertise and have opportunities for skill improvement.


           ※For a list of Human Science's English to Japanese translation clients, click here.

          [Application Requirements]

          ・Must have a basic understanding of computers (hardware/software) and IT-related topics.

          ・Must have translation or review experience in the above field.

          ・Must have English proficiency equivalent to a TOEIC score of 800 points.

          ・Having Trados ownership (experience in using it is preferred).

          ・Must have native-level Japanese language skills or equivalent proficiency.

          ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 4,000 to 20,000 words per week.

          ・Ability to work both remotely and on-site (for individuals residing in areas where commuting to our office is feasible. Transportation expenses will be reimbursed).

            >>3 Benefits of Translation by Human Science Co., Ltd.


          Remote work/Tokyo Shinjuku-ku (Human Science Office)

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact person Yamamoto

      • English to Japanese Translation (IT Marketing)

        • We are looking for English to Japanese translators who can handle marketing documents in the IT industry.
          If the quality is good, you can receive a stable volume of work in the long term.

          [Target Document]

          ・White papers and reports on products and services

          ・Website for customers (product and service descriptions)

          ・Website/Business letter for customers/partners

          - Video subtitles

          ・Internal documents such as PPT and Excel


          Remote Work

          [Application Requirements] *Required

          ・Fluent in Japanese

          ・English proficiency equivalent to a TOEIC score of 800

          ・Basic knowledge of IT for corporate use

          - Ability to accurately capture the content of the original text and create a translation that is easy to read in Japanese, rather than a literal translation.

          - Ability to provide appropriate expressions for business documents targeting Japanese customers

          - Freelancers (side jobs also acceptable) who can handle approximately 2,000 to 10,000 words per week (we can also discuss limited availability on specific days or overseas work)

          [Desirable Conditions]

          ・Some practical experience in corporate IT

          - Translation and review experience in the field of marketing

          ・Experience in using CAT tools

          ※We will consider the above conditions comprehensively. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

            >>3 Benefits of Translation by Human Science Co., Ltd.



          Payment will be based on unit price. We will determine the unit price based on performance and trial evaluation.

          [Inquiry, Application]

          1) Please apply by clearly stating "HS Site English-Japanese Translation (IT Marketing)" in the title and sending an email to the following email address:


          Contact Person - Katayama

          2) We will provide you with a link to the pre-test (multiple-choice questions) from the person in charge. Only those who pass the pre-test will see the URL for the trial of the main test. In principle, please take the pre-test and main test consecutively, but if it is difficult, please take the main test within 1 month after the pre-test. The main test has a time limit of 24 hours.

          3) We will inform you of the results of the trial review.

      • Localization (mainly in the IT field) project management assistant

        [Business Content]

        ①URL check (using a check tool) ②Check the properties of the English version PDF ③Image check ④Translation preparation ⑤Review preparation ⑥Proofreading ⑦DTP preparation ⑧Layout check ⑨First draft delivery preparation ⑩Confirmation and reflection of the first draft, final delivery preparation ⑪Other small-scale translations (with feedback from reviewers) [By touching professional translation, you will gain practical skills] In ⑥Proofreading, you will check the translation according to the checklist, so you can experience the work of professional translators and reviewers. Also, at the stages of ⑥Proofreading and ⑩Confirmation and reflection of the first draft, there may be cases where you are asked to summarize questions about the original text in English, so you can make use of your language skills.

        【Number of vacancies】

        1-2 people

        [Working Style]

        On-site work ※Telecommuting negotiable




        English to Japanese

        [Employment Type]

        Part-time job, contract employee

        【Hourly Pay】

        1,500 yen

        [Start Date]

        Same day

        [Employment Period]


        【Working Hours】

        9:30 AM to 6:15 PM (standard working hours: 7 hours and 45 minutes, with a break from 12 PM to 1 PM)


        Tokyo, Shinjuku Ward (Human Science Office)


        Social insurance complete, transportation expenses provided (up to 24,000 yen/month)

        [Application Guidelines]

        Application Requirements

        ・Associate degree or higher. Not open to students.

        Required Skills

        ・Those interested in translation and localization ・Those with basic PC skills ・TOEIC score of 700 or above

        <Skills that are welcome if you have them>

        - Candidates with experience in translating or checking technical documents. Or those who have completed a translation education program. - Experience in using translation support tools such as Trados. - Candidates with work experience in IT-related companies.

        [Recruitment Process]

        After document screening, interview examination



        [Application Method]

        Attach your resume and CV and apply to career-loc@science.co.jp

        【Recruitment period (deadline for applications, etc.)】

        Recruitment will end as soon as the decision is made

        Notification Method for Hiring Results

        Contact by email

      • English to Japanese Translation (IT Field: SE Experienced Welcome)

        • We are recruiting English to Japanese translators in the IT field (especially computer software and hardware).

          Specifically, we are looking for someone who can handle the following projects.


          Translation from English to Japanese.


          Software: Cloud Computing, Data Science, Security, AI, etc.

          Hardware: server equipment, network equipment, etc.

          [Application requirements (knowledge, experience, etc.)]

          ・Candidates with English proficiency equivalent to a TOEIC score of 800 points or higher.

          ・Must have a basic understanding of computers (hardware/software) and IT-related topics.

          ・Must have native-level Japanese language skills or equivalent proficiency.

          - Telecommuting

          ※Additional knowledge or experience in any of the following is preferred

          ・Application/Software Development/Programming

          ・System Construction



          ・Machine Learning/AI

          ・Mac/Apple products

          ・Experience in using CAT tools

          - Translation required for press releases, marketing content, etc. that require high Japanese expression skills.

          ・Must be a full-time freelancer and able to handle approximately 5000-10000 words per week

            >>3 Benefits of Translation by Human Science Co., Ltd.


          Remote Work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact Person - Katayama

      • English to Japanese Translation (Legal Content)

        • We are looking for English to Japanese translators in the IT field (especially those who can handle legal content such as EULAs). Specifically, we are seeking individuals who can handle the following types of projects.


          Translation from English to Japanese.


          Legal content in the IT field (EULA, privacy policy, partner program contracts, etc.)

          [Application Requirements]

          ・Must have a basic understanding of computers (hardware/software) and IT-related topics.

          ・Must have a background and expertise in legal content such as EULA and partner program agreements.

          ・Experience in practical use of CAT tools.

          ・Must have native-level Japanese language skills or equivalent proficiency.

            >>3 Benefits of Translation by Human Science Co., Ltd.


          Remote Work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact Person - Katayama

      • English to Japanese Translation / Japanese to English Translation (Pharmaceutical Field)

        • [Language]

          ・Translation from English to Japanese.

          ・Translation from Japanese to English.

          [Application requirements (knowledge, experience, etc.)]

          - Must have at least 2 years of experience in English to Japanese/Japanese to English translation in the medical field (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and others).

          [Welcome Skills]

          - Experience using translation memory tools such as Trados

          - Those who have experience in proofreading and editing tasks such as academic journals


          ・Examples of pharmaceuticals
          Clinical trial implementation plan (protocol), summary of investigational drug, informed consent document, summary report of clinical trial, medical guidelines published by academic societies, etc.
          ・Examples of medical devices
          User manual, installation manual, brochure, application note, in-house educational e-learning content, etc.

          [Working Style]



          Remote Work

          【Unit Price】

          English to Japanese: 8-12 yen/word Japanese to English: ¥6-¥10/character (depending on ability)

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please attach your resume/CV and contact the email address below. Our representative will contact you.


          Contact person: Mr. Tsukamoto

      Writer Recruitment

      • Technical Writer (Japanese and English)

        • [Application Requirements]

          - Must have at least 2 years of practical experience as a technical writer for manual creation.

          [Welcome Skills]

          ・Experience in writing manuals or technical documents in the following areas.

           IT, network equipment and systems, industrial equipment (FA, machine tools, robots), automobiles.

          - Ability to work on-site (residency) is also possible.

          - Experience in writing developer manuals, technical manuals, and business manuals.

          - Have practical experience as a director of manual creation.

          ・Experience in working on projects involving English or multilingual deployment.

          - Experience in creating the entire manual from the structural design proposal.

          - Have experience in topic-oriented writing.

          - Have experience in proposing improvements to manuals.

          [Selection Method]

          ・Please attach your resume/CV when applying.

          ・After the document review, we will contact you from here to provide information about the free trial for those who proceed to the next step.


          Remote work or Tokyo Shinjuku-ku (Human Science Office)

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact person Mizuno

      • e-Learning Material Writer

        • 【Content】

          - Writing e-learning materials (manuscripts and scenario creation)

          [Application Requirements]

          ・Experience in writing e-learning materials for working professionals (2 years or more).

          ・Experience in creating manuscripts in PowerPoint.

          [Welcome Skills]

          ・Experience in planning and designing e-learning materials

          ・Experience in directing the creation of e-learning materials

          ・Experience in creating PowerPoint slide designs

          [Selection Method]

          ・Please attach your resume/CV when applying.

          ・After the document review, we will contact you from here if you are selected to proceed to the next step.


          Remote work or Tokyo Shinjuku-ku (Human Science Office)

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact person Mizuno

      Recruitment for Creators

      • e-Learning content authoring staff recruitment

        • We are recruiting e-learning material authoring staff.


          (1) Production of e-learning materials using Adobe AnimateCC

           (UI design, production of simulation content, production of animation)

          (2) Production of e-learning materials using Articulate Storyline

          [Application Requirements]

          (1)Adobe AnimateCC

           ・Looking for someone with experience in development using Adobe AnimateCC and CreateJS

           ・Candidates with knowledge (or development experience) in HTML5, JavaScript, and Action Script 3.0

           ・Candidates with experience in creating e-learning materials using Adobe AnimateCC

          (2)Articulate Storyline

           - Candidates with expertise in Storyline features such as triggers and freeform, and a proven track record in creating instructional materials using these features.

           ・Those who own a Storyline license


          Remote Work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact person: Yoshida

      • DTP

        • [Application Requirements]

          ◎FrameMaker Operation

          ・Experience in DTP operations for manuals using FrameMaker.

          - Ability to maintain structured files (also acceptable if there is a willingness to learn).

          ◎InDesign Operation

          ・Experience in DTP of manuals using InDesign.

          ◎Office Software Editing

          - Experience in layout review and editing of manuals in Word and PowerPoint.

          [Welcome Skills]

          - Experience in editing online manuals and online help (using RoboHelp, WordPress, Movable Type, etc.).

          ・Experience in English and multilingual operations (language skills are not required).

          [Selection Method]

          ・Please attach your resume / work history / portfolio when applying.

          ・After the document review, we will contact you from here if you are selected to proceed to the next step.


          Tokyo, Shinjuku Ward (Human Science Office) or remote work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact Mr. Sakamoto

      • Video Editing

        • [Application Requirements]

          Experienced in practical editing using video editing software such as Final Cut, Premiere, After Effects, etc.


          Remote Work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact us using the inquiry form. We will contact you through our representative.

          Contact Us

      • Programmer

        • [Application Requirements]

          Experienced in web application development using Java, C#, or PHP.


          Remote Work

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact us using the inquiry form. We will contact you through our representative.

          Contact Us

      AI Tester, App Quality Evaluation Staff, and Development Engineer Recruitment

      • [Remote Work] Input and check tasks for AI data [Beginners welcome]

        • [Business Content]

          Creating training data used in AI (Artificial Intelligence).

          There are various annotations depending on the case.

          Example: Work of surrounding text in images. Work of categorizing question sentences.

            Recording work of various regional dialects and accents, etc.

          [Employment Type and Salary]


          ※We will consult with you regarding the salary for each project at the time of request.


          Remote Work


          ・Native Japanese speakers or individuals with equivalent Japanese language proficiency

          ・Those who want to work from home

          ・Those who have internet access at home

          ・Those who are capable of basic PC operations

          ・Those interested in the latest AI technology

          - Individuals who can understand the guidelines and make appropriate judgments in accordance with the guidelines for various issues.

          ・Welcome to those with English reading skills! (There may be cases where the provided tools and guidelines are in English only)

          ・Experience in quality evaluation and testing is preferred (not required)

          [Application Method]

          1) Please apply by email with the phrase "HS Site (New Annotator Recruitment)" included in the title.

          2) You will be asked to take a test related to the job when applying. Additionally, please submit your resume/CV when taking the test.

          3) After reviewing the documents and test results, we will inform you of the pass or fail decision.

          [Inquiry, Application]

          Please contact the email address below. We will contact you from the person in charge.


          Contact Taniguchi

  • Contact Us / Request for Materials
