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Points for creating manuals to achieve business standardization

Points for creating manuals to achieve business standardization

In the past, technology was primarily handled in a closed manner, much like a family secret. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards handling technology in an open manner. This is especially important in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where open handling of new technologies and products is key to the success of companies. If standardization can be achieved in the market, it can bring various benefits such as licensing revenue, efficient development, and improved productivity. This increase in productivity through standardization applies not only to products and services, but also to business operations.

Have you ever thought about standardizing such tasks?
"I've heard that standardizing tasks is important, but why is it important?"
"I want to know what measures to take to standardize tasks."

Here, we will introduce the key points for creating manuals to achieve standardization of operations.
We will also explain what standardization of operations is and its purpose.

Working at a certain level is essential when working as a team. This time, we will focus on creating manuals and explain the key points of standardizing work.

Table of Contents

1. What is Business Standardization and its Purpose/Reason

Before introducing the key points for creating manuals to achieve standardization of operations, we will first explain what this standardization is.

Business standardization involves mainly two steps.
①Organizing different procedures for tasks
②Establishing and enforcing appropriate business procedures as an organization

Assuming a case where we try to standardize the way curry is made in a restaurant.

First, let's organize the tasks with different procedures.
The way to make curry will probably differ depending on the person or even the day. We will confirm that there are variations in the steps of the work, such as whether to cut the carrots first or peel the potatoes.

Next, we will establish appropriate business procedures as an organization and thoroughly implement them.
For areas where there is variation in procedures, the organization will establish appropriate business procedures. Using the example of making curry, the first step would be to decide on something like "always wash your hands". And do not forget to thoroughly follow the established procedures.

Here, we will explain the purpose of standardizing business practices.

The reason for standardizing business is simple: to improve efficiency and quality.
By standardizing business, it becomes possible to maintain a certain level of quality and efficiency regardless of who is performing the task.

We will also use the example of making curry.
First, let's talk about efficiency. While it takes A-san 20 minutes to make curry, B-san can make it in 18 minutes. When we look at just one serving, it's only a difference of 2 minutes. However, when we look at it on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis, the difference becomes significant. As a company, it is problematic if there is a difference in efficiency like this, so we strive for standardization of our operations.

Next, let's talk about improving quality. A's curry is of such high quality that it creates long lines. On the other hand, B's curry is of average quality. While the curry is certainly ready, if there are differences in quality among the people making it, it will not lead to stable sales. In order to always maintain stable performance, we will standardize our operations.

2. Points for creating manuals to achieve standardization of operations

Based on the previous chapter, this chapter will introduce the key points for creating standardized manuals to achieve business standardization.

Point 1: Set the target of the manual and make it appropriate content.

The first point is to set the target of the manual and include appropriate content.

Decide who the manual is for. Is it for new employees, customers, or for the entire company?

Once the target audience for the manual is determined, the level of detail to be included in the manual will naturally be decided. For example, if the target audience is new employees, it is necessary to provide detailed information as they may not have knowledge or experience in the industry.

Point 2: Summarize the key points concisely

The second point is to concisely state the main points.

Have you ever come across a manual that is difficult to understand despite having a lot of explanation? Due to its redundancy and lack of clear points to remember, the intended message may not be properly understood. It is important to clarify the "purpose" and "subject" and eliminate unnecessary explanations in order to concisely describe the main points.

As the creator of manuals, there are many things that we want to convey. However, let's carefully examine the information that needs to be conveyed and narrow down the key points.

Point 3: Set appropriate content for headings and titles

The third point is to make sure that the headings and titles are appropriate.

The reason why Google search has become so popular is because it allows you to find the information you want instantly.

Even if it's not as far as Google search, a manual that allows users to quickly find the information they want is a great benefit.

For example, when a user with some experience uses a manual, it may be when they are in trouble or have forgotten how to handle something. It is important to make the table of contents and headings clear so that they can quickly find the necessary information.

Point 4: Use figures, tables, and illustrations to make it easy to understand at a glance.

The fourth point is to use figures, tables, and illustrations. By incorporating these as needed, the manual will become easier to read.

In information acquisition, humans rely on visual information for 90% of the process. Using only text-based manuals can be a burden for information acquisition. By incorporating images, charts, and illustrations, users can better understand the information.

In addition, manuals should be updated regularly. Instead of aiming for completion at once, let's improve them while responding to feedback from the field and changes in operation.

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3. Summary

How was it?
This time, we introduced the key points for creating manuals to achieve standardization of operations. Various factors such as the personality and career of the person performing the work can create different situations for the business procedures.

If the business procedures are different, it is recommended to standardize them with a manual. Even if it takes time and effort, standardizing with a manual can be considered a balanced approach.

We are well aware that manuals are a cost-effective approach, but many people feel that they do not have the time to devote to them. Especially in busy environments, manual creation can be one of the more difficult tasks to start.

"If you don't have the time to create manuals" or "if you want to entrust the creation to a professional expert", outsourcing is one option.

Human Science has a history of over 20 years and is a professional in creating business manuals with a track record of 215 companies and 2854 manuals.
If you have any concerns or difficulties in creating business manuals, please feel free to consult with us.

Features ①: Research and analysis by experienced consultants ~ Output

The consultant with extensive experience at Human Science will be involved in creating business manuals. Our skilled consultants will propose easy-to-understand manuals based on the abundant experience and materials provided. We can also create manuals from scratch without any existing materials. Our assigned consultant will conduct interviews and create the manual.

Feature 2: Manual creation using the latest technology

When it comes to manuals, it is common to create them using Word or PowerPoint. In addition to the above two, Human Science is also capable of creating manuals using the latest technology such as GitHub, CMS, wikiworks, and Confluence. By being well-versed in the latest technology, we are able to reduce communication costs and shorten the time to complete manuals.

Feature 3: Extensive track record of manual creation for large and global corporations

Human Science has a track record of creating numerous operation manuals since 1985, mainly in the manufacturing and IT industries. Their achievements include 215 companies and 2854 projects. They have worked with renowned companies such as Tokyu Livable, Inc., Cygames, Inc., and Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. as clients.

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For those who want to know more about manual creation and instruction manual creation

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