Manual and Package Translation Examples

Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.


"We needed a company that could reliably handle translation, layout design, and DTP editing all in one place due to time constraints."

"Since translations of package materials are the first thing that customers see, even a small amount requires knowledge and sensitivity towards MS products. It is not easy to find a vendor who can handle our package product's schedule management, translation, DTP, quality control, and arrangement all in one place."

Manual and Package Translation Examples

Overview of Software Product Packaging

This is the creation of Microsoft products such as Windows and Office packages that are lined up in home appliance stores.
In Japan, there are over 300 components for software product packages sold annually. The variations of components such as the software product package itself, DVD label, included manual, and stickers are diverse. The basic design is deployed worldwide, but it is not simply a matter of replacing English with Japanese. It is necessary to incorporate Japan-specific compliance and sales points into the product package.


Request from Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.

・Understanding of US specifications and Japanese unique agreements
In order to impress that it is a new product, the shape of the package will be completely renewed for the new product.
First, it is necessary to understand the specifications of the design provided from the United States. Then, for each component, it is necessary to confirm the unique Japanese compliance (such as recycling marks and agreement wording) and reconstruct the layout suitable for the Japanese market while following the design from the United States. Of course, there must be no mistakes in the information.

・Reliable progress management
New products must have an impact on the market by being released at the same time worldwide. It is essential to have them on store shelves on the date of the press release. As multiple product projects are progressing simultaneously, it is necessary to prioritize and proceed with production support without any omissions.

・One-stop production system
The process takes time to print overseas. In order to meet the release date while developing the product, it is necessary for the vendor to respond quickly and flexibly. Because of these constraints, we were looking for a company with the capacity to cover all product groups with one company, as translation, layout design, and DTP editing can be done by one company, and the specifications of the product group are closely related.

・Translation quality
In writing the sales language on the package and translating the attached manual, it is necessary to have easy-to-understand and persuasive language for consumers, as well as consider compliance and avoid expressions that may cause misunderstandings.

・Confidential information management
And as an absolute necessity, product information must not be leaked before release. If information leaks from packages or labels left on the printer before release, it can lead to major problems. We needed a cooperative company that could respond to such numerous requests.

Human Science Solutions

・On-site (dispatch) work at customer business locations

To respond to many customer requests, first, our project manager was stationed on-site at Microsoft's office for about a year and a half to learn the work environment and quality standards.
By communicating with the approving personnel, I was able to learn in detail the workflow until the product is approved for shipment.

・Assign strong translators and DTP editors to package products

In DTP editing at Human Science, the main focus is on creating standard manuals and instruction manual pages, but for this project, we have assigned a DTP editor with strong commercial design skills. Additionally, we have secured translators with expertise in fields that require catchy and accurate translations, such as marketing materials.

- Quality management through tool utilization and work in the security room

We focused on file management because we have to manage a large number of files. In DTP, we use InDesign macros to streamline our work and reduce human errors. In particular, proofreading requires meticulous accuracy, so we also use multiple checking tools to not rely solely on human eyes.
Since the security level was at the highest level, we prepared a security room where only workers with permission can enter, and also prepared a dedicated printer within the company.

For more detailed information related to this case study, please see below.

Japanese Translation Localization

Voice of Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.

"It has been over 3 years since we started ordering from Human Science Co., Ltd. At first, there were areas for improvement in translation and DTP, but they always provided careful measures and consistently implemented them in the next project. DTP errors are a major concern due to their impact on schedule and cost, but they achieved the remarkable feat of "0" errors in our flagship product.

Translation of product packages, although in small quantities, is the first thing that our customers see, so knowledge and sense of Microsoft products are required. It is not easy to find a company that can handle schedule management, translation, DTP, quality control, and arrangement for our software package products all in one. "

From Human Science representative

When this project starts, the team enters the security room and works together. Because of this, close teamwork is crucial during this period. It is impressive to see the packaged products we created lined up on store shelves. It is truly a moment when all the hard work of production pays off.

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