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Manual Creation Outsourcing Service

Manual Creation Outsourcing

267 companies, 3,732 achievements
Quality-focused manual creation outsourcing service

At Human Science, we offer optimal methods and expressions tailored to various types and fields of manuals, such as operation manuals, user guides, business manuals, seminar texts (commercial books), and online manuals (online help).
We can flexibly respond to specification changes during the creation process through centralized project management by a Project Manager (PM).
If you have any concerns about manual creation or are considering outsourcing manual creation, please feel free to contact us.
*As of 2023

Business History

Features of Human Science

1. Experienced consultants familiar with manual creation will support you from research and analysis to output.

Our manual creation outsourcing service will handle all aspects of the process, from research and analysis to planning and output, in order to create a more user-friendly manual based on the materials shared by your company.
If you do not have any materials, please rest assured. Our skilled specialist consultants will conduct a thorough hearing session.




Consultant Introduction

  • Technical Writer and
    Consultant with 20 years of experience
    Yoshiyuki Yasuoka
  • Technical Writer and
    Consultant with 16 years of experience
    Kaori Horikoshi
  • Document Solutions Department
    Yuriko Sawada

2. We will propose the most suitable media according to the user and usage scenario.

We create user-friendly and easy-to-understand manuals by following the techniques of Technical Communication.


Paper ManualPaper Manual Web Manual HelpWeb Manual
Online Manual
Video ManualVideo Manual
Features ・Often included with hardware - Suitable for use while operating on a PC, such as software and systems. ・Suitable for understanding hardware maintenance and system operation (mouse movement and menu position)
・Can be intuitively understood through simulated experience
Maintenance ×
Print every time you update

Updates can be made quickly
Cannot replace partially
Need to start from scratch
Cost Not good ○△×
Varies greatly depending on the finished product quality
Ease of understanding Not good Not good
Searchability Not good Close
Microsoft Office ・Word
Adobe Products ・FrameMaker
Video Manual Tool ・Premiere(Adobe)
・iTutor(BluePort, Inc.)
CMS ・Contelize(Locki)
・Publish MakerX(CyberTech)
Wiki Solution ・Redmine
・PukiWiki(PukiWiki Developers Team)
OSS Solution Text Editor
・ATOM (GitHub)
・Visual Studio Code (Microsoft)
Static Site Generator
Version Control Tools
・GitLab(Private Company)
Proofreading Tools
Simple Markup Language

3. Can handle large-scale page projects and multiple projects simultaneously

We have a large capacity to handle the creation of manuals for a large number of pages or multiple products with peace of mind.
We will create a production team for each product and proceed with manual creation simultaneously.
Information consolidation, schedule adjustment, and instructions to each production team are all handled by the project manager, so there is no burden on the customer.

Internal Structure

  • ・Project Manager 10 people
  • ・Technical Writer 30 people
  • ・DTP Editing Director 4 members
  • ・DTP Operator 10 people

Organization chart for creating multiple product manuals simultaneously

We also handle large-scale projects and multiple projects simultaneously.

We will build a production team for each product and create manuals simultaneously.
Information gathering, schedule coordination, and instructions to each production team will be handled by the project manager, so as not to burden our clients.

4. Experienced writers write according to the field and content of the manual. Security is also top-notch.

Do you have concerns that even if you want to use external writers because there are no internal resources, there will be a lot of rework due to the specialized nature of the request?
Do you have such worries?
At Human Science, we will assign the most suitable writer for your company's requested manual, based on the industry, field, and content.
Furthermore, we have a security room (a work room that only designated personnel can enter) within the company. You can trust us with the production of highly confidential products.



QPlease let us know what is required when requesting our services.

Please let us see the available materials once.
Any materials such as product brochures, specifications, internal documents, educational texts, etc. are acceptable.
If you do not have organized materials, our education writer will conduct interviews to understand the content. Please feel free to consult with us first.

QPlease tell me about the cost feeling.

The cost of production varies depending on the content and volume of the manual or instruction manual. Below is an estimate of the production cost.
For A4 50 pages, it is 700,000 yen or more.
For A4 100 pages, it is 1,200,000 yen or more.
For A4 500 pages, it is 5,200,000 yen or more.
We will make a proposal that fits your budget. Please feel free to consult us even if you only request an estimate.

QPlease tell me about the production period.

The standard production period is approximately 2-3 months. The production period may vary depending on the subject matter, volume, materials provided, number of revisions, and proofreading period. Please let us know your desired delivery date first.

QIs it possible to handle a manual with specialized content?

In the manufacturing field, we have a track record of creating manuals for plant control systems and CAD/CAM software. In the IT field, we have experience creating manuals for internet services, accounting systems, communication equipment, and game technicians. We also have a wide range of experience in creating manuals for business operations, including manufacturing, finance, distribution, and retail. Additionally, we handle the creation of in-house educational texts and training materials. Our writers will write based on materials provided by our clients, requiring specialized knowledge in each field.

QWe would like to create a system that can be operated by our company in the future. Is it possible?

It is possible.
We not only produce, but also provide consulting support for in-house manual production.
First, we analyze existing manuals and conduct interviews on operational structure to analyze current issues.
Then, we implement specific education programs and create guidelines, and support the establishment of a manual production system in parallel.

QWhat happens to the copyright of the manual after delivery?

Basically, we believe that the copyright belongs to the client who requested it.

QCan you also handle multilingual support and creating video manuals?

Since 2000, our company has been providing translation services in approximately 40 languages. We also started creating e-learning materials during the same period, and we are skilled in producing educational materials such as videos, animations, and e-learning in addition to paper and web manuals that use videos and animations.
We have seen an increase in inquiries for e-learning materials for overseas employees.
Please feel free to contact us.

QIs it safe to handle confidential information from outside the company in terms of security measures?

When requesting work, we will of course have a confidential agreement between companies, and we will handle the provided materials and data strictly. Our workers are required to submit a confidentiality agreement and strictly adhere to the rules regarding information handling, so please rest assured. Depending on the type of information, it is also possible to work in a project-specific room (a workspace that only the assigned worker can enter).

QCan we request a DTP operator or education writer?

Yes. It is possible to be stationed at the client's site. We will propose the most suitable personnel and system according to the requested tasks such as manual production direction, translation coordination, and writing practical work.

QCan we have a web conference for the meeting?

Yes, it is possible. Since 2020, we have been primarily conducting meetings with our clients through web conferences. We are also able to have in-person meetings, so please feel free to consult with us.

Introducing thorough examples of manual creation from other companies!Learn from other companies
How to proceed with manual creation

Before starting to create a manual, it is helpful to know examples of manual creation from other companies. This will allow you to understand the "key points" and "common challenges" of creating a manual, and use them as hints for your own manual creation.


Recommended for people like this

  • - I want to proceed with creating the manual, but there is too much volume and I don't know where to start.
  • - I don't know if I can do what I want to do in my company
  • ・I want to know how other companies are proceeding with manual creation.



[Introduction Company]

  • Tokyo Media Co., Ltd.
  • SBI Securities Co., Ltd.
  • NTT Data Customer Service Co., Ltd.
  • WingArc1st Co., Ltd.
  • Nippon Itaglass Co., Ltd.

Download here

For those who want to know more about manual creation and instruction manual creation

Tokyo: +81-3-5321-3111
Nagoya: +81-52-269-8016

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST

Contact Us / Request for Materials