Some parts of this page may be machine-translated.

Marketing Translation

Enticing translations that encourage customer behavior

There are unique challenges in translating websites and product brochures that are not present in manual translation.
Simply conveying the features and benefits of your company's products and services accurately and clearly is not enough. To actively encourage people to purchase your products and services, you need translations with high appeal, to make the products more attractive and motivate customers to take specific actions.
Human Science provides support for your promotional activities in the Japanese market through translation and localization.

Business History


Common Concerns

Problem 1
Literal translations of the text are hard to read.

While it is important to accurately translate the original English text, if you focus too much on the exact words and phrasing, the Japanese can become difficult to read. This problem can occur if you treat a marketing translation the same way as a technical translation.


Easy-to-read and easy-to-understand Japanese expressions

Human Science was founded in 1985 as a Japanese manual production company. For over 30 years, we have cultivated skills in Japanese expression. We have confidence in our ability to create easy-to-read and easy-to-understand content that also accentuates the appeal of the product and generates a desire for purchase.
In addition, we treat production-related translation and marketing translation as separate genres and have established different criteria and processes for recruiting and training each type of translator, in order to discover and cultivate professionals in marketing translation specifically.

Problem 2
The Japanese is easy to read, but understanding of the product or technology. is insufficient.

If a translator lacks a thorough understanding of the products, services, and underlying technology, their translation may be incorrect to begin with.


Translations backed by deep and extensive IT expertise

At Human Science, we provide stable translation quality thanks to our unique know-how accumulated from over 20 years of IT translation and localization experience.
We have three members with technical backgrounds such as a former SE and programmers, as well as experienced pre-sales staff, to ensure translation quality from the customer's perspective.

Problem 3
The terminology is inconsistent.

There are inevitable limitations when it comes to consistent terminology in human translation. This issue is common when translation tools are not utilized.


Advanced terminology standardization through the use of translation tools

In addition to industry-standard translation tools, we also utilize our own proprietary tools to ensure consistency in terminology and expression.

Problem 4
The Japanese phrasing is not suitable for each marketing tool, such as a website, pamphlet, etc.

Even for the same marketing materials, the level of informality expected in company pamphlet as compared to a blog post may differ. The translator must accurately understand the target and purpose of the item and choose the most appropriate expressions.


Optimal approach based on the intended purpose and application of items

Human Science provides marketing translations that touch hearts with the most suitable expressions needed to achieve your goals, according to the purpose and application of each marketing item. In addition to simple rewriting, we also propose translation plans tailored to your needs, such as Transcreation.

Example Rewrites for Sales and Marketing Translation

The following are few samples of our actual rewrites. (Examples are for English to Japanese translation.)

(Sample 1)

Source They are highly active mobile users and are unfortunately subject to a number of risks.
Before rewrite 彼らは非常にアクティブなモバイルユーザーですが、残念ながらさまざまなリスクにさらされています。
After rewrite 彼らはモバイルデバイスを活発に利用しています。そのため、さまざまなリスクにさらされています。

(Sample 2)

Source Furthermore, all-too-familiar car door swings open to the same risks we face with PCs and mobile devices. But instead of information theft risks, we could have far more damaging consequences.
Before rewrite さらに、おなじみの車のドアからも、PCやモバイルデバイスで発生するのと同じリスクが生まれます。しかし、私たちは、情報盗難のリスクの代わりに非常に大きな被害を受ける恐れがあります。
After rewrite さらに、PCやモバイルデバイスで発生するのと同じリスクが、車でも発生しうるのですしかも車の場合には、情報の盗難どころではなく、はるかに大きな被害を受ける恐れがあります。

(Sample 3)

Source We know translation isn’t your core business. We can help get you through difficult translation challenges effectively.
Before rewrite 翻訳はお客様の本業ではないはずです。GB社がお客様の翻訳に関する困難な課題を効果的に解決します。
After rewrite お客様の本業は翻訳とは別なところにあります。翻訳を本業とするGB社が、お客様の翻訳に関する困難な課題を効果的に解決します。

(Sample 4)

Source Securing the complex information systems and protected financial information of today’s financial institutions.
Before rewrite 今日の金融機関は、複雑な情報システムを利用しています。そのようなシステムと、金融機関が所有する金融情報を保護します。
After rewrite 今日の金融機関では、高度に複雑な情報システムが利用されています。金融機関では重要な金融情報を大量に保持しています。GB社の製品は、これらのシステムやデータを確実に保護します。

Sales and Marketing Translation Process

For Human Science's sales and marketing translations, an additional step called "rewrite" is added to the normal translation flow.
In this step, we consider what information we really want to convey and what we want to emphasize, and we rewrite the content to ensure that the expressions used are appropriate for the type of marketing tool (white paper, SNS, brochure, etc.) in relation to the industry, product, target audience, etc.


Supported Items

  • Website
  • Brochure
  • Datasheet
  • White Paper
  • Presentation Materials
  • Infographic
  • Email
  • Letter
  • Press Release
  • Promotional Video
    & Subtitles
  • Blog

Supported Languages

We offer marketing translation services primarily from English to Japanese, but if you require translation into other languages, please feel free to contact us for more information.

For those who want to know more about translation

Tokyo: +81-3-5321-3111
Nagoya: +81-52-269-8016

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST

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