Some parts of this page may be machine-translated.

Translation Services in the IT Field

Extensive track record with major global companies
Translation services in the IT field

More than 25 years since 1994.
Translation of documents for domestic and overseas IT companies.

Human Science has been translating documents from the IT industry in Japan and abroad, such as Apple, Microsoft, and Cybozu, since 1994 using translation support tools.

Business History



Supported Languages

English (US, UK, Australian)
Asian languages Chinese (simplified/traditional), Korean, Thai, Lao, Malay, Vietnamese, Burmese, Tagalog, Indonesian, Turkish, Hindi, Kazakh
Western languages French, Italian, German, Spanish, Iberian Portuguese, Dutch, Greek
Eastern European languages Czech, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Slovak, Estonian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Belarusian, Georgian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Armenian, Macedonian

5 Strengths of Human Science Co., Ltd.

From the production of Japanese documents to system development and e-learning development, Human Science, a comprehensive document vendor, has a unique focus on Japanese translation and localization, as well as other strengths. We will introduce these strengths in five categories.



1. Achieve efficient translation and improved quality through active utilization of the latest technology.

Many of the latest technologies are born in Europe and the United States and are being introduced on a global level.
Our company is a member of international industry organizations such as GALA (Globalization and Localization Association), and not only keeps up with the latest technology trends, but also leads the industry in their domestic deployment.
We offer our own language technology services that combine various technologies and tools to achieve high levels of translation efficiency and quality improvement. By utilizing various technologies at each stage of translation, we maximize the cost performance of our business.



2. We provide translations that have been lived with experienced engineers who have on-site knowledge.

In the field of translation, background knowledge about the subject matter is essential.
For example, someone who has not studied law cannot accurately translate legal documents. Similarly, someone without technical knowledge about systems cannot properly translate IT documents.
In addition, when translating software manuals, it is necessary to align the operation of the software itself with the content of the manual. Therefore, we perform "testing" or "QA" to verify whether the software's advanced operations can be reproduced on the system and whether the operations match the manual. This type of work requires engineers with extensive technical skills.
At Human Science, we have a specialized system development team in-house and have been working on various development projects for almost 30 years. By closely collaborating with engineers with various technical skills and translation/localization specialists, we can timely and effectively solve many technical challenges.

3. We deliver high-quality translations with a strong commitment to precise language since our establishment.

At our company, which started with Japanese manual creation, we have always had a strong desire to provide the best possible Japanese documents to our customers.
This spirit also lives on in our translation and localization services, where we have dedicated technical reviewers and linguistic reviewers in-house, ensuring thorough quality control by reviewing every sentence in every project.
In addition, we have a systematic quality assurance system as a company, rather than relying on a few experienced translators, allowing us to consistently provide high-quality services for large-scale and specialized projects.

4. Systematize project management know-how.
Achieve stable operations without individuality.

At Human Science, regardless of the size, we assign a dedicated project manager for each project and establish a system where the same person serves as the customer's contact from the beginning to the end of the project.
In a system where the contact changes for each stage of the work, there is a lack of perspective to oversee the entire project and make judgments.
In addition, the project management methods carried out by each project manager are not dependent on individual abilities, but are based on the international standard system for project management, PMBOK, and follow a carefully crafted common procedure (see figure on the right).
By implementing such measures, we proactively avoid common issues such as "the previous contact was good, but the quality of work has decreased since the contact changed."

5. Equipped with a translator education system that affects the quality.
We are achieving continuous quality improvement.

Translators are an important profession that greatly influences the final quality of translation and localization. In that sense, we believe that an education system for translators is of great importance.
Human Science quantifies the work of translators in each project with over 100 unique criteria and stores all results in a database to manage their level.
Translators are able to check their results in numerical form and also review specific feedback documents that detail correction points, suggestions, and guidance, which helps them improve for their next task.
The current feedback in our database totals 12,529 cases.
This amount is six times the amount of exercises performed in a one-year course at a translation school.
Our translators are already an elite group who have passed through a narrow gate with a pass rate of less than 8% during the trial period, but by further developing them through our feedback system, we are able to achieve even higher levels of quality.

Delivery Results

Operation Manual / User Guide Online Manual / Help

  • Windows, Office Product Localization
  • Case Study: Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.
  • PC, printer, server product manual translation
  • Case Study Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)
  • ERP/Core business systems (payroll management, customer management, financial management, reports, accounting) manual translations
  • Database management software, Manual translation
  • Server and storage-related product, Manual translation
  • Security software, Manual translation
  • Translation of online operation manual for EC site store administrators
  • Internet service, Online manual translation
  • Translation of 3DCG application manual
  • Report infrastructure system ,HTML manual translation
  • BI software package, HTML manual translation
  • Core business systems package, Operation manual translation
  • Groupware package, Online manual translation
  • Large telecommunication company's internal business system, Operation manual translation

Technical Manual & SDK (Software Development Specifications) for Engineers

Software, GUI, UI (User Interface)

  • Windows, Office Product Localization
  • Case Study: Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.
  • PC, printer, server product localization
  • Case Study Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)
  • Japanese Localization of Security System Products
  • Case Study: Japan Systems Co., Ltd.
  • OS package translation
  • Database management software translation
  • Server product translation
  • Storage product translation
  • CAD software translation
  • Translation of web application development infrastructure (framework)
  • Consolidated accounting software translation
  • Translation of software to back up and transfer mobile phone data

Marketing, Website

  • ERP system user support website translation
  • Design and construction software brochure translation
  • Security product press release translation
  • Security product data sheet translation

Education and training materials and e-learning content

  • PC and server products, Translation of training video for sales agents
  • Manager development training material translation

For those who want to know more about translation

Tokyo: +81-3-5321-3111
Nagoya: +81-52-269-8016

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST

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