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【Overseas Event Introduction】Jamstack is eating the world

【Overseas Event Introduction】Jamstack is eating the world

This time, we will introduce the content of "Jamstack is eating the world" from the presentation at "Jamstack Conference 2021"!


The "Jamstack Conference" with a history of over 10 years is organized by "Netlify", the creator of Jamstack. Developers from all over the world gather to discuss the latest website design and development concepts based on Jamstack. The language of the presentations is English, but we will introduce it in Japanese on this blog. Jamstack is still relatively unknown in Japan. We hope that everyone in Japan can feel closer to Jamstack.


The presenter is Mr. Laurie Voss, a data scientist at Netlify. He conducted a survey for people involved in Jamstack and shared their responses and analysis results. The same survey was also conducted in 2020, so pay attention to the trends that can be seen from comparing it to 2021!


By the way, the title of this presentation is "Jamstack is eating world". You may have noticed that it is a reference to the famous article "software is eating the world" by Mark Andreesen, who is both an engineer and an investor, published in the Wall Street Journal in 2011. In other words, Laurie Voss is boldly declaring in the title that "everything in the web world will be replaced by Jamstack".


Table of Contents

1. People involved in Jamstack

First of all, what is clearly noticeable when comparing to 2020 is the significant increase in the percentage of "students" by 9% to 16% in terms of occupation, and the percentage of "less than 1 year" in terms of experience by 4% to 13%, as well as the increase in the number of responses stating "lost job in the past year" among those with less experience. From this,

●The number of people involved in Jamstack as part of vocational training is increasing.

●Jamstack methodology is being adopted as a standard in education at universities and other institutions

You can understand this.

2. What to Create with Jamstack

Next, what is interesting is the change in types of websites created using Jamstack.



The usage rate of Jamstack on dynamic pages has increased from 57% to 65% from the previous year! Although Jamstack is often recognized as a tool for creating static pages, it is being used for various types of website development. In other words, the technical capabilities of what can be done with Jamstack are definitely expanding.


Now, let's take a look at the trends in the web world surrounding Jamstack. But first, do you know what "CS" stands for?

3. What is the satisfaction coefficient?

CS (Satisfaction Score), also known as "customer satisfaction". It is a numerical indicator that quantifies how much the evaluation after use exceeds (or falls short of) the expectations that customers have before using a product or service. A score of 1 or higher indicates satisfaction, while a score below 1 indicates dissatisfaction.


4. Comparison of CMS

Here are the indicators for CS that were revealed from the survey on CMS (Content Management System).



The vertical axis represents satisfaction coefficient (1 or higher is satisfied, less than 1 is dissatisfied), and the horizontal axis represents usage rate. Despite having an overwhelmingly high usage rate, WordPress ranks almost last in terms of satisfaction coefficient. However, many developers seem to be satisfied when using WordPress headlessly.


In addition, it can be seen that the satisfaction level is very high for emerging services such as Sanity, Strapi, etc., and both the usage rate and satisfaction level are high for Contentful.

Is it safe to simply conclude that emerging services are superior?


Next, we compared the survey results from 2020 and 2021.



The vertical axis shows the change in satisfaction coefficient, and the horizontal axis shows the usage rate trend. Looking to the left, it can be seen that the usage rate of WordPress is decreasing. Furthermore, looking to the right or bottom, it can also be seen that the satisfaction coefficient of Sanity and Strapi, which have an increasing usage rate, is decreasing.


The first to use emerging services are likely to be early adopters - those who are sensitive to trends, gather information on their own, and take action. They use new services after understanding their characteristics and strengths. Therefore, immediately after the service is released, the satisfaction level tends to be very high.


However, as the number of users of the service increases, what will happen? Differences in knowledge and technical level among users will arise. This is because the number of people who have opinions such as "it's different from what I thought" or "I can't do that" will increase, causing the satisfaction coefficient to temporarily decrease over time.

5. The Rise of TypeScript

Based on these trends, we can see a certain change occurring in programming languages here!



As the usage rate and satisfaction coefficient change, it can be seen that TypeScript is dominating with high scores. This is an unexpected situation based on the previous trend... In the future of web development, TypeScript will undoubtedly play a central role.

6. Highly rated inheritance from React to Next.js


How about the framework? As you can see from the graph above, Next.js stands out in terms of evaluation. It has a high level of satisfaction that overcomes the trend of "the higher the user population, the lower the satisfaction coefficient"!


Next.js, which is superior to React, is also gaining attention. Are you surprised that React, a framework that has been around for over 10 years, is still ranked high in terms of satisfaction? Considering that the lifespan of a framework is usually around 5 years, it is clear that React is supported by a strong user base and continues to be highly praised.


Here, Mr. Laurie Voss says, "React is taking on the role that jQuery once played." Since jQuery's debut 15 years ago, the way presentations are done on the web has changed significantly. However, it has now reached its limits and is ranked at the lowest level of satisfaction. On the other hand, jQuery has gained a position as a web standard, such as being built into browsers. React is recognized as one of the optimal solutions for web presentations in the current generation.

7. Summary

Finally, we will summarize the contents of the presentation!



All indicators show that Jamstack is growing. Student usage, increase in websites using Jamstack, reputation among developers... Jamstack users are increasing all over the world. As the use of Jamstack spreads, its technology will continue to grow rapidly.


●Application Enrichment

The possibilities with Jamstack are definitely increasing. With the increase of server-side services, it is not far off that Jamstack will emerge as a choice for not only static pages, but also dynamic pages and web applications with rich features.



Jamstack, which can support websites for all devices, not just for PCs. Now, Jamstack is becoming more and more integrated into websites in various fields as a matter of course. In the future, the boundary between traditional websites and Jamstack websites will become increasingly blurred, and eventually there will be no distinction. In other words, "Jamstack is eating the world!"


Thank you for joining us for this presentation. How did you like it? The analysis of the spread of Jamstack based on numbers is convincing, isn't it? When you see the future potential of Jamstack based on solid data and analysis, don't you want to try using it even if you weren't interested in Jamstack before? If you are an engineer, you know how difficult it is to deal with frameworks after their expiration date. Instead of disappearing technologies, let's choose emerging technologies. Why not choose Jamstack now?


Thank you for reading until the end.


Human Science Co., Ltd. offers unique solutions for web content and platforms using the combination of "document creation know-how" and "the latest web development technology (Jamstack)" that other companies do not have.

If you are interested, please contact us here!

Human Science Co., Ltd.


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