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Beginner's Guide to Static Site Generators Part 4

Beginner's Guide to Static Site Generators Part 4

9. Jekyll

Last updated: November 1, 2020

Reviewed by:


Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby. It uses basic functions (HTML, Markdowns, Liquid templating) to quickly create fast websites. Therefore, in the current JavaScript-dependent web world, it may be at a slight disadvantage, but it is still one of the most popular and well-known SSGs. Its popularity is not only due to its speed and simplicity, but also because it is involved in the functionality of Github Pages.


The first version of Jekyll was released on December 19, 2008. For many, it was the day that marked the beginning of the shift towards static websites. The Jekyll community has grown rapidly and now has around 1,000 contributors. In 2017, Jekyll was recognized for its popularity, speed, and excellent support, earning the top spot in Netlify's SSG top ten.


9-1 Main Features

Jekyll takes your content (Markdown files) and generates a static website that can be immediately served based on the defined template (HTML including Liquid tags and CSS). Its simplicity makes it perfect for creating blogs and small personal projects.


9-2 File Configuration

├── _config.yml ├── _data ├── _drafts ├── _includes ├── _layouts ├── _posts ├── _sass ├── _site └── index.html


Most folder names tell the story. In other words, dynamic content is stored in the _posts folder, Jekyll generates static files based on information from _data, templates from _includes and _layouts, and stores them in the _site folder.


9-3 Ecosystem


There are many useful plugins, themes, and resources created by the Jekyll community. While it may not be as extensive as other SSGs, it has reached a level where it can be used without any issues for most use cases.


9-4 Introduction

If you have never used Ruby before, some setup is required. This may also vary depending on your operating system. Fortunately, there is a step-by-step guide available for all necessary configurations.


For Windows, even on platforms that are not officially supported, it is very easy.


1. Download and install the Ruby+Devkit version from RubyInstaller Downloads.

2. When you run the ridk install command, gems including necessary extensions will be installed.

3. Execute gem install jekyll bundler in a new command prompt.

4. Once all preparations are complete, create a sample project.


To create a new project


1. Execute jekyll new my_project

2. Enter the newly created directory: cd my_project

3. Run bundle exec jekyll serve to build the website, http://localhost:4000. The default template site will be displayed.


9-5 Conclusion

Jekyll is one of the simplest static site generators. It is an excellent alternative to traditional CMS for websites with a lot of static content. It is also the perfect SSG for those who are not experienced programmers or do not want to deal with high-level concepts. The large Jekyll community provides many resources and makes it easy to implement for many use cases.


  • Ideal for small websites with only content (blogs, documents, portfolios, etc.)
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Free hosting on Github Pages. By using GitHub, your content will be automatically version controlled with Git. Additionally, this platform also supports SEO, redirects, and SSL certificates.
  • The document is very comprehensive, making it easy to introduce. The growing community is constantly generating new tools, plugins, and resources.
  • Relatively Low Skill Floor - Jekyll is easy to learn and use due to its simplicity and basic concepts (HTML, CSS, Markdown, templates). There is no need to learn concepts such as the entire framework, state management, virtual DOM, or rehydration.
  • The philosophy of Jekyll is to ensure relevance for a while, even if it has become a relic in terms of web standards.
Use Case
  • Small-scale website for content only (blogs, documents, portfolios, etc.)
  • Simple project that wants to avoid using JavaScript and complex frameworks, and only uses HTML, CSS, and Markdown

10. Bridgetown

Last updated: October 30, 2020

Reviewed by:


Bridgetown was born in March 2020 as a fork of Jekyll. In this project, the web studio focused on creating something suitable for the new approach of Jamstack.


Bridgetown removes all deprecated Jekyll configurations. Additionally, Webpack is set up by default to handle the building and exporting of front-end assets such as Javascript, Typescript, CSS/SCSS, and related files (fonts, images, etc.) imported through Webpack.


10-1 Data Source

Data acquisition is very easy to understand in terms of local files. By default, it corresponds to posts in the _posts folder. You can create a website that corresponds to a blog very quickly.


To retrieve data from an external source, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of Ruby. This is because you will need to write functions (actually plugins) that will be executed during the build process.


class LoadPostsFromAPI < SiteBuilder   def build     get "" do |data|       data.each do |post|         doc "#{post[:slug]}.md" do           front_matter post           categories post[:taxonomy][:category].map { |category| category[:slug] }           date Bridgetown::Utils.parse_date(post[:date])           content post[:body]         end       end     end   end end


10-2 File Configuration

├── frontend │		├── javascript │		└── styles ├── node_modules ├── plugins ├── src │		├── _components │		├── _data │		├── _layouts │		├── _posts │		├── 404.html │		└── ├── bridgetown.config.yml ├── Gemfile ├── Gemfile.lock ├── start.js ├── sync.js ├── yarn.lock ├── webpack.config.js └── package.json


10-3 Ecosystem

One of the features of Bridgetown is the ability to extend it with custom plugins. From retrieving data from external APIs, to adding new markup and template language support, to complete control over the build process, there are many possibilities.



Bridgetown is a very new city, but the Discord community is very active. Anyone is welcome to ask questions or chat.


10-4 Introduction

First, you need to install Ruby, but this is a difficult step if you haven't installed it.


Next, install Bridgetown.


gem install bridgetown -N


To create a new Bridgetown website, follow these steps.


bridgetown new mysite


Building is a very simple process, with just one command, a production bundle will be created in the "output" folder, which can then be pushed to static file hosting providers such as Netlify or Vercel.


10-5 Conclusion

Bridgetown is still behind compared to others, but it is worth keeping an eye on. Especially recommended for those who like Ruby. It is still in its early stages, but it will bring fresh fruit in the future.


  • Simple setup for a website with a focus on a simple blog
  • Recommended Progressive Enhancement
  • Shallow learning curve for building producible websites
  • You do not need to know any additional JS frameworks, but it will work with any JS framework.
  • Uses an easy-to-learn liquid template engine, but it is also possible to use other options such as ERB, HAML, and Slim.
  • Taxonomy page, pagination, and multilingual settings can be done quickly.
  • Ready-to-use Webpack configuration
Use Case
  • Blog/Content-based Website
  • If you are trying out SSG for your personal website in Bridgetown
  • Jekyll website that requires an upgrade to the latest JS toolset

11. In a nutshell

Static site generators combine the benefits of traditional CMS with the simplicity and performance of static HTML. They are highly reliable, scalable, and have the potential to save time and cost, while also being able to handle large amounts of traffic.


Based on our experience, we recommend Eleventy for its simplicity and short learning curve. If you are building a large website and want to be able to make changes and additions to many new articles, choose Hugo. Otherwise, if you are already familiar with Gatsby, Next.js, or Vue, we recommend Gridsome or Nuxt.


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