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Cost of Manual Creation


Estimated Cost for Manual Creation, Analysis, and Evaluation Services

Manual analysis and evaluation, estimated production costs.
We will provide an estimate after hearing from the customer and confirming the materials provided.
<font id="3">Estimates and proposals are free of charge.

Please feel free to contact us via "Inquiry Form", Email, or phone for any inquiries.

Manual Creation (Instruction Manual Creation)

Total number of pages, availability of provided materials (existing manuals, internal documents, specifications), difficulty of writing, and layout may vary.

We also offer production services tailored to your budget.

  • If it is 50 pages of A4, it will cost 950,000 yen or more.
  • If it is A4 and 100 pages, it will cost 1.8 million yen.
  • If it is 500 pages, it will cost 7.5 million yen.
Work Content
  • ・Planning and Structural Design (Split Structure, Table of Contents)
  • ・Design and Layout (Template Creation)
  • ・Writing Manuscripts
  • ・DTP Editing (Layout Adjustment)

Manual Analysis and Evaluation Service

The cost will vary depending on the items, content, and deliverables (reports) of the analysis diagnosis.

50,000 yen~
*May vary depending on manual volume, content, and diagnostic items.



For those who want to know more about manual creation and instruction manual creation

Tokyo: +81-3-5321-3111
Nagoya: +81-52-269-8016

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST

Contact Us / Request for Materials