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Introducing books that have helped improve translation quality by professional medical translators!

Introducing books that have helped improve translation quality by professional medical translators!

In this blog, we will introduce books that have been helpful for improving the skills of medical translators. We believe that not only those who are in a position to order translations, but also current medical translators and those who aspire to be medical translators will find it very useful, so please take a look.

Table of Contents

1. The use of technology in translation is only effective when there are translators with extensive medical background knowledge and high translation skills.

Our blog provides valuable information on the latest document technology such as ChatGPT and DeepL, as well as new forms of content such as e-learning and data annotation.

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We have also delivered verification articles on the use of ChatGPT and machine translation in medical translation on our medical group blog.

"What is the translation accuracy of DeepL in medical translation? Comparison results with Google/Microsoft/Amazon."


Our company utilizes the latest technology for document creation, but our medical translation staff understands that it is only with translators who possess extensive medical background knowledge and strong translation skills that technology can truly enhance the translation process. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing high-quality translation and document creation services.


In fact, our Medical Group translators are all dedicated individuals who take pride in acquiring medical background knowledge and translation skills, and our staff is supported by them on a daily basis.


This time, we have received recommendations from professionals in the Medical Translation field for books that will help improve your skills. We would like to introduce them to you.


Our blog is mainly for those who are in a position to order translations, but we believe it can also be a great reference for active medical translators and those aspiring to become medical translators, so please take a look.

2. Experienced and Accomplished HS Medical Translators

The translator who introduced the book this time holds a master's degree in science and has experience in research such as applying for special protection food and conducting toxicity tests at a company. They are active in translating medical equipment, bio, analytical equipment, and analytical chemistry, and after gaining experience at a translation company, they became independent as a translator. They have been nominated by multiple companies and have gained high trust from clients due to their thorough research and translation skills.

3. Introducing Recommended Books!

Finally, we will introduce books recommended by HS's professional medical translators.


3-1. Anatomy

Anatomy, physiology, and pathology are often discussed as the foundation of medicine, as they explain the structure, mechanisms, functions, and development of diseases in the human body. Here, we introduce recommended books on anatomy.

Book Title "Prometheus Anatomy Atlas" Series (Medical Book Institute, Supervised by Takeo Sakai and others)


Links include "Prometheus Anatomical Core Atlas 4th Edition", "Compact Edition", "General Anatomy/Musculoskeletal System", "Oral and Head and Neck", "Thorax/Abdomen and Pelvis", "Head and Neck/Neuroanatomy".


This series is available for anyone to use for translation research, but is geared towards intermediate learners for learning purposes. It is used in practical medical device and medical translation work. Each organ and organ diagram includes the names of each part in both Japanese and English, making it possible to research translation terms that cannot be found in medical dictionaries or online searches.


In addition, you can also check terms that change depending on the body part. The diagrams of the vascular system, nervous system, and cross-sections of each tissue are also included, with explanatory text, making it useful for understanding the relationship between anatomical structures and for learning about human body structure and function.


3-2. Bio

Content related to bioscience, such as genetics, molecular biology, and proteomics, is difficult to translate and often requires thorough checking. As an author, I often realize the need for continuous learning in this field. HS Translators have recommended the following books for study purposes.

Book Title: "Introduction to Bioinformatics" (Keio University Press, edited by the Japanese Bioinformatics Society)


For specialized content, this is mainly for intermediate or science background translators who are familiar with medical field, as there is no English translation. It is mainly for learning purposes. It is useful for translation related to gene analysis and protein analysis in the bio field. In particular, it was useful for translating content related to molecular biology databases, genome analysis, and phylogenetic tree analysis.


This section provides a concise summary of molecular biology, IT, and various analytical methods related to bioinformatics, allowing for a general understanding of basic terminology, principles, and processes of analysis.


3-3. Statistics

Statistics, like medicine, cannot be avoided in science-related content. This time, multiple translators have kindly introduced books.

Book Title: "Encyclopedia of Medical Statistics" (Asakura Shoten, edited by Tatsuro Tango and Sadanori Konishi)


English translations are also provided for terms in each item name and explanatory text, and there is a Japanese and English index at the end, making it useful for both translation work and learning statistics. In translation work, the sentence expressions are used as a reference when translating statistical analysis content with a list of formulas, and are also used for researching translation terms. In addition to statistical analysis for clinical trials, it also includes statistical methods used in epidemiological surveys and literature research.


This can also be useful when researching the meanings of basic statistical terms such as "bias" and "odds ratio". Like the "Prometheus Anatomy Atlas" series, anyone can use it for investigating translation terms, but it is more suitable for intermediate learners.


Book Title: 'Just This! Medical Statistics (3rd Edition)' (Kinoudo, translated by Chieko Okuda)


In medical papers and clinical trial related documents, it is common to see explanations about statistical analysis. This book is written with a focus on "what you need to know" when reading papers, and provides a basic understanding of statistical terminology and concepts without complex equations or explanations. In addition, the inclusion of English translations for some statistical terms and explanations is also helpful.


4. Summary

How was it?
Learning medical background knowledge for translation work not only gives a sense of contributing to people's lives and health through work, but also the content of medical translation, including pharmacology and genetics, is all highly difficult, so in a sense, it is intellectually challenging and rewarding to work on.


This time, the translator who introduced the book is also proud to be involved in medical translation and is constantly striving to improve their skills.


Human Science's machine translation service and various document technologies are utilized to provide efficient translation and document creation. We are supported by those who introduced this book and the translators who are dedicated to acquiring medical knowledge.


Please try Human Science's medical translation, which combines high expertise in document technology and medical science.

5. Human Science's Medical Translation Services

At Human Science, we offer human translation services and post-edit services. We utilize translation support (CAT) tools such as Trados and Phrase TMS (formerly known as Memsource), as well as automatic translation tools, to improve efficiency and quality of translation, and contribute to the further development of our clients.
If you have any concerns or interests, please feel free to contact us.


Medical Translation Services

Post-edit outsourcing


In addition, we also provide information on medical/medical translation as follows. Please use it.


What is medical and pharmaceutical translation? Reasons why translation is difficult and points to consider when selecting a translation service provider.

What is the translation accuracy of DeepL in medical translation? Comparison results with Google/Microsoft/Amazon

Has the accuracy of medical translation improved? - A comparison between DeepL and Google Translate in 2020 and 2023

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