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AI translation "NAVER Papago" specializing in Korean

AI translation "NAVER Papago" specializing in Korean

(DeepL now supports Korean. For more information, please see "How accurate is DeepL's Korean translation?")


When it comes to AI translation services, DeepL and Google are well-known, but have you heard of NAVER's Papago? Some people may have used it to read articles in Korean related to K-pop, such as BTS and Blackpink.


Papago is an automatic translation service that supports Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, and other languages. It uses neural machine translation technology. Here you can find a free version that allows you to check the translation accuracy (however, please do not enter confidential information as NAVER may use it for other purposes).

NAVER Papago is capable of translating not just literally, but also in accordance with the context. It can naturally translate sentences that may feel awkward when translated literally, making it suitable for things like conversations and novels where understanding the meaning is necessary.

Other translation apps often provide literal translations, but NAVER Papago has received high praise from those seeking accurate and natural translations. Users can also customize the dictionaries used for translation. For example, they can add vocabulary related to specific fields, such as specialized terms or industry jargon.

By the way, DeepL provides a search engine called Linguee, and Google also provides a search engine in the same way. Both companies use data collected from their own search engines to develop and improve their automatic translation services. It is clear that owning a search engine and its search database is a major advantage in providing high-precision automatic translation services.


NAVER also provides a search engine NAVER. It is easy to imagine that they are using a large search database containing a large amount of content in Korean as their main language to develop and improve the Papago automatic translation service.


However, translation support tools widely used in translation work such as SDL Trados Studio and Memsource do not support Papago. Therefore, translation departments and translation companies that focus on translation work cannot use Papago. However, there are voices that want to use Papago for translation work, and we have received such requests from our customers.


As a result, our automatic translation solutions, MTrans for Trados and MTrans for Phrase TMS, are now compatible with Papago. In addition to the standard features of Papago, they also support terminology and style replacement (automatic string replacement), allowing you to specify translations for company and product names, and unify translations in a "desu-masu" style, resulting in improved translation accuracy compared to using Papago alone. Furthermore, the original and translated texts are not reused for other purposes, ensuring the confidentiality of your translations. You can use Papago's automatic translation with peace of mind.


If you would like to use Papago for translation work, please consider MTrans for Trados or MTrans for Phrase TMS. A free trial is available.


Related Services

MTrans for Trados

MTrans for Phrase TMS



Author Information

Takeyoshi Nakayama, Language Solutions Department
Localization Group
Automatic Translation Team Leader

  • - Over 15 years of experience in translation and review tasks, as well as development and support for automated translation technology.
  • ・Technically improve the quality and efficiency of customer and in-house post-edit projects.
  • ・JTF Translation Festival, TC Symposium, AAMT, TAUS, LocWorld, and many other presentations in Japan and overseas.
  • - Contributed articles on machine translation to "Interpretation and Translation Journal" and "Industrial Translation Perfect Guide" (both published by Icarus Publishing).


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