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Issue 04The source manual is causing many issues!

The source manual is causing many issues!

  • The original manual written by a technician is difficult to understand.
  • The terms and expressions used in the original manual are inconsistent and causing confusion.
  • Before anything else, we need to do something about the original manual...
If the quality of the source document is poor, it will also affect the translated document.
There is a risk of misinterpretations and mistranslations.

Before starting translation, we should "visualize" issues in the text of the source manual to improve the translation quality of the manuals in the target languges.

We use the expertise gained from our manual creation roots to identify problem areas through analysis of the source manual and improvement reports.

Benefits of Brushing Up the Source Manual

Avoid Mistranslations and Low Quality

When operation methods are described incorrectly, this can lead to loss of trust and potential accidents.
Improving the quality of source text raises the quality of the translated manuals, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

Decrease the Number of Inquiries and Correspondence to the Help Desk and Support Staff

If the manual is difficult to understand, some customers may turn to the help desk to address their worries.
Providing accurate and easy-to-understand manuals to users can therefore help reduce the operating costs of the help desk.

Translation Cost Reduction

Inconsistent terminology and expressions can often lead to a decrease in repetition rates when using translation memory tools such as Trados, resulting in higher costs.
By setting rules that define consistent terminology and expressions to be used in the source manuals, lower translation costs can be expected.


Our Team of Experienced Writers Specialize in Manual Creation and Translation Services.

Example Project Leads


Writer A

Technical writer (20 years)

Production experience (example)

・Copier, Instruction manual
・SDK (Software Development Kit), Instruction manual
・Customer management/financial management system, Operation manual
・Seminar text

Writer B

Technical writer (14 years), Localizer (9 years)

Production experience (example)

・Large-scale general-purpose server, Operation manual
・Home security, Instruction manual
・Car navigation system, Operation manual
・Inkjet printer, Operation manual
・Government agency business handbook

Writer C

Translation coordinator (8 years), Technical writer (4 years)

Production experience (example)

・Document management server, Operation manual
・Home appliance, Instruction manual
・Wind power generator, Instruction manual
・Measuring instrument, Operation manual (8 language translation)
・Multifunction printer, Online manual (16 language translation)
* Obtained Advanced level Trados Certification


Manual Analysis and Evaluation Service

The cost of this service varies depending on the items to be examined in the analysis, the content of the text, and the deliverables (reports).

* We also offer a free simple report service. Feel free to contact us for more info.



Cost Trial Plan: Starting at 50,000 yen
Standard Plan: Starting at 400,000 yen
* Prices may vary depending on the size of the manual, the content, and the extent of analysis.
Contact Us
  • Trial Plan
  • ・Analysis and evaluation report (1-2 pages)
  • Standard Plan
  • ・Analysis and evaluation report (5-15 pages)
  • ・Evaluation score and radar chart with accompanying report
  • ・Suggested points for correction
  • ・Sample manual excerpt
  • Manual Analysis and Evaluation Service Details



Japanese Evaluation Report Sample

Evaluation Results Sample Evaluation Results Sample



English and Multilingual Evaluation Report Sample

Case Study (Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.)
Improving Quality and Reducing Costs by Considering Overseas Expansion During Japanese Manual Creation
Japanese Manual Analysis and Improvement Proposals
Seminar on Techniques for Creating Documents that Facilitate Multilingual Expansion

For those who want to know more about translation

Tokyo Headquarters: +81 35-321-3111

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST

Contact Us / Request for Materials