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Japanese Translation

Translation from multiple languages to Japanese

Providing accurate translations based on extensive experience and local laws and regulations

Human Science has completed over 20,816 translation projects since 1994 while utilizing translation support tools.

Business History

5 Strengths in Japanese Translation

Human Science's Japanese translation services cover not only large-scale translations, but also cost-cutting through the use of automatic translation, and translations that reflect unique Japanese laws and regulations.
If you are concerned about quality, delivery time, or cost, please feel free to contact us.




1. Translation in accordance with Japanese standards and laws

In Japan, there are various rules regarding the use of laws, standards, units, and symbols.
For example, in technical documents based on Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS), it is important to use accurate expressions according to the standards.
In addition, in medical documents, it is necessary to comply with Japanese medical standards and laws. The labeling of pharmaceutical ingredients based on Japan's "Pharmaceutical Affairs Law" requires accurate translation as different standards may apply compared to other countries.
At Human Science, our native translators with specialized knowledge provide translations that fully comply with Japanese laws and standards. Our translators are well-versed in Japanese regulations and technical standards, ensuring accurate and appropriate translations.




2. Experienced translators with on-site knowledge provide accurate translations.

In the field of translation, background knowledge about the subject matter is essential. For example, someone who has not studied law cannot accurately translate legal documents. Someone without on-site knowledge cannot properly translate industry manuals and other technical documents.
At Human Science, we have specialized teams for each business field, such as industry/manufacturing and systems, and for nearly 30 years, we have handled translations of various genres including business manuals and instruction guides.
Human Science is well-versed in industry and business, to provide translations like no other.




3. Stable business execution with the latest workflow system being adopted worldwide and systematized project management

Human Science's project management methodology is not individualistic, but follows the international standard system for project management, PMBOK, and was carefully constructed according to widely accepted procedures. Therefore, each project is free from individuality and is sure to be be carried out with stable operations no matter who is in charge.
In addition, the workflow system utilizes the latest online management system specialized in translation, "Plunet".
Through the combination of expert staff and the latest technology, we achieve the best QCD.




4. Higher efficiency and quality in translations through proactive use of new technologies

Many of the latest technologies are developed in Europe and the United States and then introduced on a global level.
Our company is a member of international translation business organizations, such as GALA (Globalization and Localization Association), and we not only keep up with the latest technological trends, but also lead the industry when it comes to their Japanese expansion.
We even offer our own language technology services, which combine various technologies and tools to achieve high levels of translation efficiency and quality improvement. By utilizing various technologies freely at each stage of translation, we maximize the cost performance of our business.





5. A robust translator education system that controls quality
and enables continuous quality improvement

Translation is an important profession that greatly influences the final quality of translations and localizations. For that reason, we believe that an education system for translators is of great importance.
Human Science quantifies the work of translators for each project with over 100 unique criteria, and stores all the results in a database to manage the translators' levels.
Translators are able to check their numerical results for each job, as well as review specific feedback documents that detail correction points, suggestions, and guidance, which helps them improve on their next tasks.
The current amount of feedback in our database totals 12,529 cases.
This is six times the amount of exercises performed in a one-year course at a translation school.
From the start, our translators are already an elite group who managed to pass our demanding trial period, with a narrow pass rate of less than 8%, but by further developing their skills through our feedback system, we are able to achieve even higher levels of quality.

Japanese Translation Support Genre

Japanese Translation Prices

Click here for details.

For those who want to know more about translation

Tokyo: +81-3-5321-3111
Nagoya: +81-52-269-8016

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM JST

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