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Difference between free machine translation like Google and paid machine translation ②

Difference between free machine translation like Google and paid machine translation ②

Last time, we introduced the first of three major differences, "customization," between free machine translation services such as Google Translate and paid machine translation engines.


This time, let's take a look at the remaining " security" and " cost".





Engine Security

The second point is "security".
The most important thing to be aware of when using a free translation service may be this security.

For commercially available engines, for example, if it is a cloud type, you may exchange an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) at the time of contract to specify that the translated documents will not be used for other purposes and that the corpus will not be shared.
In addition, for the "on-premises" type that is installed in a local environment, there is no need to connect to the internet, so the risk of information leakage through the internet is significantly reduced.

On the other hand, in the case of free engines, there is often no confidentiality agreement between the engine provider and the user/company.
Therefore, there is a possibility that the translated data may be used by companies providing machine translation services.

Some of you may remember, but there was a previous news report that data translated by a free machine translation service was leaked to the outside, including emails from government agencies and banks.

As such, information translated with a free machine translation servicemay be leaked to external sources, so it is not suitable for translating highly confidential documents or emails.


Engine Cost

The third point is "cost".
When introducing machine translation, the cost may be the biggest concern for everyone.

Paid Translation Engine In terms of quality and security, it can be used with peace of mind compared to free machine translation services, but there are costs for implementation and operation.
Depending on the engine and form, there are various costs for implementation, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yen, so it is necessary to carefully determine whether there are really benefits to implementing it even if it costs money.


Above, we have introduced the differences between free machine translation services and paid machine translation engines in two parts.

Documents such as internal documents and instruction manuals that require high confidentiality and accuracy in quality are recommended to use paid machine translation engines.

When using free machine translation services for internal documents and instruction manuals, it is necessary to check the quality beforehand and use them effectively by having humans translate important information such as "Important Notes" as needed.

How to safely use Google Translate?

At Human Science, we offer MTrans Team, an automatic translation software, which can be used for business purposes in a safe cloud environment with Google Translate.
We provide databases for companies and users, and our cloud servers are provided by AWS (Amazon). We also offer options such as IP restrictions, private cloud, and dedicated servers.

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We are currently offering a 14-day free trial. Please feel free to sign up.



Blog Writing Team

Machine Translation Seminar_Tokuda

Tokuda Ai

- As a machine translation consultant, I provide consulting services for Japanese companies on the introduction and process construction of machine translation.
- We place importance on the quality of the source text, which affects multilingual translation, and also provide consulting services for manual creation suitable for machine translation in the Japanese writing process.
- From 2013 to present, I have spoken at numerous domestic and international events.
- 2014 Translation Automation Users Society "The Potential of Japanese MT Engine Utilization in Industrial Translation"
- 2018 Technical Communicators Association Symposium "Learning from 10 Case Studies! - Challenges and Solutions for Introducing Machine Translation"

Is automatic translation secure?

Information on security precautions when using automatic translation, such as the risk of information leakage, will be posted.
We also introduce security information for DeepL and Google Translate.



[Main Content]

  • If you want to use it for free from the web page
  • If you use a paid translation tool (via API)
  • Security Comparison Table
  • How to Safely Use Automatic Translation?

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