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To translate an Excel file with DeepL

To translate an Excel file with DeepL

Many people who use DeepL, which is known for its high translation accuracy, are using it. DeepL has a file translation function, so you can drag and drop to translate PDF, Word, and PowerPoint files, but you cannot translate Excel files. What should you do if you want to translate an Excel file?


Table of Contents

Convert to PDF and use DeepL's file translation function

In the Excel app, you can save an Excel file as a PDF. By saving it as a PDF, you can use DeepL's file translation function to translate the PDF. However, it will be difficult to revert back to the original Excel file.


Note: If you use the DeepL free version, your input data may be used by DeepL. For more details, please see "Is Confidentiality Maintained with DeepL Translation? Security?" Also, for the differences between the free and paid versions, please see "What are the Differences Between DeepL's Free and Paid Versions (DeepL Pro)? ~Fees, Security, Character Count~"

Use automatic translation products that are compatible with Excel files and integrated with DeepL.

Another method is to import an Excel file and use an automatic translation product that is integrated with DeepL.


MTrans for Office (MTrans for Office)
Our other automatic translation product, MTrans for Office, adds automatic translation functionality to the Windows/Mac/Web versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. With the Windows version of MTrans for Office, you can use DeepL to automatically translate Excel. A translation button is added to the Excel app, so you can simply click the button to automatically translate when viewing an Excel file.




In addition, MTrans for Office for Mac/Web supports automatic translation of Excel using Google. Support for Excel translation using DeepL is planned for the future.


To translate an Excel file using DeepL, there are two methods: converting it to PDF and using an automatic translation product that is compatible with Excel and integrated with DeepL. If you want to maintain the original format of the Excel file, you will need to use an automatic translation product that is integrated with DeepL.


Our company offers a translation product " MTrans for Office " that incorporates automatic translation services from DeepL, Google, and Microsoft. You can try the translation function for Excel files for free for 14 days. Please apply from the inquiry form

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