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How to handle translation in the latest fields such as machine learning and AI (artificial intelligence)?

How to handle translation in the latest fields such as machine learning and AI (artificial intelligence)?

When translating the latest fields such as machine learning and AI (artificial intelligence), do you face the following challenges?
・Unable to find a translator familiar with the field
・Unable to check if the translated text is correct
・Unable to create a glossary due to technical terminology
To address these challenges, our company has implemented "SME Review".

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What is SME Review?

"SME Review" refers to the abbreviation of "Subject Matter Expert", which refers to a "specialist in a specific field". They are actively engaged in work in a specific field and have extensive knowledge and experience in that field. The SME's native language is the language of the translated text (in the case of English-Japanese translation, it is Japanese), and they have studied and gained experience in a specific field in their native language.


The standard translation workflow without SME review consists of the following three steps.



If there is an SME review, the translation workflow will change as follows.



In addition, the above workflow is standard. We will determine the translation workflow by considering the translated document, field, quality, schedule, and cost.

Our Translation Services

We provide services in various cross-tech fields such as machine learning, AI (artificial intelligence), cutting-edge medical care, FinTech, EdTech, AutoTech/CarTech, AdTech, HRTech, MedTech, and LegalTech.


At our company, specialized translators/reviewers and SMEs collaborate in the fields of IT, medical/pharmaceuticals, and industrial/manufacturing to provide high-quality translations in cutting-edge areas such as machine learning. If you are interested in translation services, please contact us through our inquiry form (

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