4 Points for Creating Easy-to-Understand Manuals

Effort 1: Want to make the manual easier to understand

Regain confidence in your manuals

Let's analyze the cause.

We will start by analyzing what makes the manual difficult to understand. Based on the target manual, we will create an analysis report and provide suggestions for visualizing and improving the issues.

There is a reason for easy-to-understand sentences.

With over 30 years of extensive experience in manual writing, we aim to create easy-to-understand content for anyone to read.

To achieve clarity, we will perform manual writing with a focus on "conciseness", "lack of misunderstanding", and "readability".

We have extensive experience in manual creation.

Human Science has project management skills to accurately understand your requests. We utilize our extensive knowledge gained from years of projects in areas such as scope management, communication management, and risk management.

We will assign a writer that matches your request.

We will assign experienced writers who can meet various requests such as hardware and software operation manuals (user manuals), business manuals, promotions, etc.

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Thoroughly introduce examples of manual creation by other companies! Collection of introduction company case studies

"Even if you say "manual creation" in one word, the content, volume, and target audience vary depending on the company.
If you want to proceed with manual creation but don't know where to start because there is too much volume, if you don't know if you can do what you want to do in-house, if you want to know how other companies are proceeding with manual creation, please download this case study if you have such concerns."



[Introduction Company]

  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  • Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Yahoo! JAPAN
  • Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Introducing case studies from 11 companies, such as 11.

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For those who want to know more about manual creation

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