What is the purpose of the manual?

How can it be further utilized?

To be loved more by manuals!

Cause Analysis
(In the case of store operation manuals)

The threshold for manuals may be considered high and not something that can be read casually. How about considering expanding the scope of utilization?

How to Utilize Manuals
and What Should They Be Like?

Let's aim to increase the importance of manuals in our daily work.

If the manual you picked up has a mechanism that makes you think, "I want to read it!", and if you find useful ideas as soon as you read it, the manual will be more effectively utilized.

We will propose media that will be utilized according to users and usage scenes.

Paper ManualPaper Manual
  • ・Familiar
    (Used to using)
  • ・Flip through pages and
    find what you're looking for
Web Manual HelpWeb Manual
  • ・Easy to find desired information
    (Excellent searchability)
  • ・No printing costs required
Video ManualVideo Manual
  • ・Easy to understand because you can check the movement with audio/visual
  • ・No printing costs required
  • >>Video Manual Creation
e-Books (e-Pub)e-Books (e-Pub)
  • - Can be viewed on smartphones and tablet devices, making it easy to carry the manual
  • ・No printing costs required

Please also consult us for creating manuals that are compatible with smartphones and tablet devices.

Supported Software

  • ・Adobe FrameMaker
  • ・Adobe InDesign
  • ・Adobe Illustrator
  • ・Adobe Photoshop
  • ・Microsoft Office Word
  • ・Microsoft Office Excel
  • ・Microsoft Office PowerPoint
  • ・Adobe Acrobat
~About QuarkXPress and Adobe PageMaker~
At Human Science Co., Ltd., we recommend converting data from Quark and PageMaker to InDesign, considering the current DTP environment and future prospects. We are also working on data conversion for old DTP data, so please feel free to consult with us.

Related Topics

Thoroughly introduce examples of manual creation by other companies! Collection of introduction company case studies

"Even if you say "manual creation" in one word, the content, volume, and target audience vary depending on the company.
If you want to proceed with manual creation but don't know where to start because there is too much volume, if you don't know if you can do what you want to do in-house, if you want to know how other companies are proceeding with manual creation, please download this case study if you have such concerns."



[Introduction Company]

  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  • Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Yahoo! JAPAN
  • Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Introducing case studies from 11 companies, such as 11.

Download here

For those who want to know more about manual creation

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