DITA English and Multilingual Deployment
DITA, which is already widely used in Europe and the United States. Each manufacturer utilizes DITA to efficiently create and manage large and frequently updated manuals and documents.
Even in domestic manufacturers, the number of companies adopting DITA or considering it is gradually increasing, and it is expected to become the mainstream in the future.
Human Science is a DITA player and participates in DITA Consortium Japan, providing specialized services for DITA and promoting its widespread use.
What is DITA?
Abbreviation for Darwin Information Typing Architecture. An architecture based on XML, established by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) for the creation, management, and utilization of information.
The document is divided into units of 4 to 5 sentences and is managed comprehensively as a component, allowing information to be reused in different contexts and output in various formats (PDF, HTML).
Solution Process
Based on the document and manual production know-how cultivated since our founding in 1985, we will propose an efficient management, operation, and maintenance flow for large amounts of documents using systems.
- Pre-implementation consultation
Hearing (Confirmation of customer's concerns and requests)
- ・Document Management・Investigation of Operational Status
- - Analysis and evaluation of manual and document structure
- Design
Design and Requirements Definition
- - Manual and document design, document structure, design layout, structure, information organization, etc.
- - System (CMS) Design
- Development
- - System (CMS) Development
- Implementation Support
- ・Pre-implementation Education
- ・Operation
- ・Support
We will provide production and proposal tailored to your needs from introduction to operation.
- - Manual and document reconstruction
- - Manual Rewrite
- Benefits of Rewriting Text Before Implementing DITA
- ・Modularization, Topic Writing (in case of DITA conversion)
- ・Translation
- ・Coding, XML editing
DITA services provided by Human Science Co., Ltd.

Document Management for English and Multilingual Expansion Proposed by Human Science Co., Ltd.
In the past, when creating manuals, FrameMaker, InDesign, and Word were used, and the entire book was the target for translation and editing.
On the other hand, with DITA, documents are managed as components divided into 4 or 5 sentence units. Therefore, during revisions, only newly added or updated sections need to be translated, reducing translation costs and workload.
- Translation Cost (Repetition Section) Cost Reduction
In a normal document, even when using translation support software, the Repetition (*) section incurs a cost of about 10% of the translation cost. However, with DITA, which manages units independently, there is no Repetition cost at the paragraph level.
(*) The same location can be reused at the sentence level when it appears repeatedly.
- Shortening Work Cycles
- By translating on a unit basis, you can continuously check the translated text in small units. There is no need to check a large amount of documents at once. This solves the problem of not having enough time to check thoroughly.
- Stable Workflow
- The XML standard used in DITA is not affected by computer environments. In programs like Word, there is a problem where the appearance of files can differ depending on the environment, often requiring coordination between translation companies and clients. On the other hand, DITA is not dependent on environments and even when processed through translation support software, it does not affect layout, allowing for a significant reduction in workload during pre- and post-translation processes.
- Cost Reduction through DTP Automation
- With DITA, you can automatically generate documents in multiple media (PDF/HTML/CHM/ePub, etc.) from a single source. This eliminates the need for editing and authoring work that was previously done for each medium.
In particular, for multilingual projects, you can significantly reduce the cost and effort of editing and authoring by the number of languages.
About DITA Consortium Japan
Human Science Co., Ltd. participates in DITA Consortium Japan as a DITA player, and provides services that support DITA as well as promoting the spread of DITA.
DITA Consortium Japan is an organization established with the aim of promoting DITA in Japan, accumulating knowledge about DITA, and furthering international discussions and communications about DITA. Through these efforts, the organization leads the reengineering of content creation in companies and contributes to the Japanese industry.
For more information about DITA Consortium Japan, please visit the following website.
For those who want to know more about English translation and multilingual translation
- Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 6:15 PM
Tokyo: 03-5321-3111 Nagoya: 052-269-8016