How to reduce the cost of paper manuals?

Part 3 Cost Reduction!

How to reduce the cost of paper manuals?

Is it really necessary?
That paper manual

Are you dissatisfied with the current operation of paper manuals? Costs (shipping fees, storage fees), storage space (bulky), labor (printing every time there is a revision), etc... just thinking about it can bring up quite a few issues.


The current situation is that we provide paper manuals to users (※PDF download is also available), but we would like to eliminate the printing service if possible...

What are the features of an online manual?

There are three benefits to converting manuals into web format.


With just a browser, it can be viewed on any device, and the number of colors can be increased to expand the expression... The biggest appeal is that it can be realized without considering printing costs. In addition, maintenance can be easily done. Not only Japanese manuals, but also when translating and deploying manuals into various languages, it leads to a reduction in cost and workload for updating.

Let's webify manuals with One Source Multi Use

By using Indesign as a single source, you can easily create both HTML and PDF.


Cost reduction, high-quality documents, and easy maintenance are achieved through "one source, multi-use".

Source data management is done in Indesign.

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Thoroughly introduce examples of manual creation by other companies! Collection of introduction company case studies

"Even if you say "manual creation" in one word, the content, volume, and target audience vary depending on the company.
If you want to proceed with manual creation but don't know where to start because there is too much volume, if you don't know if you can do what you want to do in-house, if you want to know how other companies are proceeding with manual creation, please download this case study if you have such concerns."



[Introduction Company]

  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  • Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Yahoo! JAPAN
  • Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Introducing case studies from 11 companies, such as 11.

Download here

For those who want to know more about manual creation

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