We will propose the "HS Method", a document management method ahead of the IoT era, at CEATEC JAPAN 2016.

September 1, 2016

We will propose the "HS Method", a document management method ahead of the IoT era, at CEATEC JAPAN 2016.

From October 4th (Tue) to October 7th (Fri) in 2016,

Solving Document Issues for the IoT Era at CEATEC JAPAN 2016! Under the theme of "HS Method: A Cutting-Edge Document Management Technique for the IoT Era," we will propose our innovative approach.


Human Science Co., Ltd. provides consulting services for document creation, management, and operation to domestic and international companies.


In the IoT era where various devices are connected to each other, the "ideal form" of documents such as manuals and work procedures also changes. In order to win in global competition, it is essential to provide information in real time to the world, collect and analyze data such as product usage status, and create a system to utilize it for product development and improvement in document management and operation.


What are the changing needs for documentation in the IoT era, how are they different from before, and what should be done in the future? At CEATEC Japan 2016, Human Science Co., Ltd., with a track record of consulting for document management and operation for approximately 150 companies, will introduce the following three services.

・In-house Manual Support

・DITA・CMS Implementation Support

・Machine Translation Implementation Support


Event Details

Date and Time
  • October 4th (Tue) to 7th (Fri), 2016
  • Makuhari Messe, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Mihama-ku, Nakase 2-1
Exhibition URL

Conference Seminar Schedule

    • Date and Time: October 4th, 14:00-15:00 Location: Makuhari Messe Room 304
    • Winning in the Global Competition! "Document Management and Operation in the IoT Era" Seminar

      Introducing the management and operation methods for documents required in the IoT era where various devices are connected to each other.

    • Date and Time: October 5th, 11:00-12:00 Location: Makuhari Messe Room 303
    • A must-see for those involved in overseas expansion of documents! "Document management and operation methods to accelerate overseas expansion in the IoT era"

      Introducing machine translation methods to achieve cost reduction and shortened time frames, accelerating global expansion in the IoT era.

    • Date and Time: October 6th, 14:00-15:00 Location: Makuhari Messe Room 304
    • Winning in the Global Competition! "Document Management and Operation in the IoT Era" Seminar

      Introducing the management and operation methods for documents required in the IoT era where various devices are connected to each other.

    • Date and Time: October 7th, 11:00-12:00 Location: Makuhari Messe Room 304
    • A must-see for those involved in overseas expansion of documents! "Document management and operation methods to accelerate overseas expansion in the IoT era"

      Introducing machine translation methods to achieve cost reduction and shortened time frames, accelerating global expansion in the IoT era.

Individual Consultation Notice

We are accepting free individual consultations at the Human Science booth.

"If you have any concerns about manual creation, such as not being able to spend time on tasks such as development and support, or not being able to accumulate knowledge due to personnel changes in departments, or having a small number of people available for manual creation, please do not hesitate to come and see us."

Please make reservations at ceatech-team@science.co.jp.