Some parts of this page may be machine-translated.


What is the translation accuracy of DeepL in Korean?

What is the translation accuracy of DeepL in Korean?

DeepL translation now supports Korean and Norwegian as of 1/31. Korean in particular was highly requested by our clients. We have already evaluated the translation accuracy of DeepL's Korean and compared it to Google and Microsoft.

Table of Contents

Evaluation Method

Translated Document: IT Field 221 Text
Translation Language: Japanese → Korean, Korean → Japanese, English → Korean, Korean → English
Evaluation Criteria: BLEU (Note)


At BLEU, we compare machine-translated text and human-translated reference text mechanically to calculate their similarity as a numerical value. The range is from 0 to 1, with 1 being the closest to the reference translation. Even if the meaning is the same, the score will decrease if the words or expressions are different. It is correlated with human evaluation, and a higher value is considered to indicate a higher accuracy of machine translation. (The values are multiplied by 100 in the following graph.)



DeepL ranked first in English-Korean and Korean-English, and second in Japanese-Korean and Korean-Japanese. Among the companies providing automatic translation services, it was the last to support Korean, but it has started its service with sufficiently high translation accuracy.


Note: Translation accuracy may vary depending on the subject matter. Please refer to the following blog post for a summary of translation accuracy by field for English-Japanese and Japanese-English translations.


Latest Trends in Machine Translation and Comparison of "DeepL" and "Google Translate"


Please consider using each company's automatic translation service depending on the type and field of the translation document. We recommend that you translate and evaluate your own documents for accurate judgment of translation accuracy.


DeepL has added support for Korean translation. It has a significantly high translation accuracy compared to other automatic translation services. When Korean automatic translation is needed, DeepL can be considered as an option. However, the quality of automatic translation services may vary depending on the document and field, so it is recommended to use multiple automatic translation services.


Our automatic translation product, MTrans, was one of the first to support DeepL's Korean translation. In addition, you can use multiple automatic translation services such as Google and Microsoft, so you can choose the best one for your documents and fields. Please try our 2-week free trial. You can use DeepL with MTrans for Office, which allows you to translate with one click from Microsoft 365 apps (Outlook/Word/Excel/PowerPoint), and MTrans for Phrase TMS/Trados, designed for translation professionals.


Please apply for a trial and inquire about our products at Thank you.


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