Case Study: Operation Manual Creation and CMS (Author-it) Implementation Consulting

Edison Co., Ltd.

Manual Creation

"By adopting Author-it, we were able to create easily maintainable operation manuals!"

Case Study: Operation Manual Creation and CMS (Author-it) Implementation Consulting


Request from Edison Co., Ltd.

Ryobi Systems Co., Ltd. is a company that develops and provides systems for waste disposal operators, management companies, industrial waste collection and transportation, and disposal companies.

When developing the comprehensive management system "Environmental General R" for the industrial waste collection, processing, and recycling industry, we received the following requests.

①I want to reduce the number of inquiries to customer support by 30% every month.

I want to reduce the maintenance time of the manual by 80%.

"Environment General R" was expected to be able to easily customize the operation manual for each customer who introduced it, as it is a semi-order package software.

Human Science Solutions

1. Improved Productivity

We proposed the adoption of a CMS (Content Management System) as the production environment.

"Author-it *" is a CMS with similar operability to Word and excellent content management on a topic-by-topic basis.

This will improve performance when revising manuals or customizing for each customer.

With the ability to progress with manuscript creation for each topic, we have achieved improved workability by allowing multiple technical writers to create one manual simultaneously.

2 Improved Maintainability

When considering manual formatting in "Author-it", evaluate the old version manual, and design a template that is easy to understand, searchable, and has excellent maintainability.

Experienced Technical Writers have worked on creating easy-to-understand manuscripts on a topic-by-topic basis.

In addition, we have prepared training sessions on maintenance methods (such as how to use and operate Author-it) for those in charge of manual maintenance.

* "Author-it" is a product of IDA Corporation.

For more detailed information related to this case study, please see below.

Creation of Manuals and User Guides

Manual Creation In-house Support Service

Manual Evaluation, Analysis, and Improvement Proposal Service


Customer Testimonials

The manuals for the old system were all created in-house, but they were not being fully utilized and the number of inquiries to customer support did not decrease.

In addition, since we customize the system for each customer, it takes time to maintain the manual for each project, resulting in a situation where we cannot keep up with the demand.

Human Science Co., Ltd.'s proposal is focused on efficient operation, and we were able to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of adopting CMS.

We are satisfied that sharing and reusing data on a topic-by-topic basis has made it easier to revise and customize manuals smoothly.

From Human Science representative


"Environment General R" is a business system with a variety of functions, so a thorough understanding of the business is required when creating easy-to-understand operation manuals.

The Technical Writer worked on creating an easy-to-understand manuscript while operating the system under development and receiving guidance on its functions from the development team.

In addition, in order to fulfill the request to customize operation manuals for each customer, we proposed the adoption of "Author-it" with consideration for ease of maintenance.

To ensure a smooth CMS implementation, we have also enhanced our support system by holding seminars for maintenance personnel.

We will continue to do our best to meet the needs of our customers in the future.

Introducing thorough examples of manual creation from other companies!Learn from other companies
How to proceed with manual creation

Before starting to create a manual, it is helpful to know examples of manual creation from other companies. This will allow you to understand the "key points" and "common challenges" of creating a manual, and use them as hints for your own manual creation.


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  • ・I want to know how other companies are proceeding with manual creation.



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Creation of Manuals and User Guides

Manual Creation In-house Support Service

Manual Evaluation, Analysis, and Improvement Proposal Service



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